
【辭典】plain meaning rule 顯然意義規則、平義規則、普通詞義規則

【辭典】plain meaning rule 顯然意義規則、平義規則、普通詞義規則

【 2023/02/11 】

Plain meaning rule From Wikipedia

The plain meaning rule dictates that statutes are to be interpreted using the ordinary meaning of the language of the statute. In other words, a statute is to be read word for word and is to be interpreted according to the ordinary meaning of the language, unless a statute explicitly defines some of its terms otherwise or unless the result would be cruel or absurd.Ordinary words are given their ordinary meaning, technical terms are given their technical meaning, and local, cultural terms are recognized as applicable.

【 2005/03/27 】
在英國法學著作中,法律解釋的基本任務是確定國會的立法意圖,為此有兩種不同的解釋方法:其一是字義解釋法(literal approach);其二是目的解釋法(purposive approach)。字義解釋法,又稱「顯然意義規則」(plain meaning rule),是指立法意圖應通過法律條文用詞的通常意義來理解。目的解釋法又稱「黃金規則」(golden rule)。「黃金規則」的含義是對法律條文所用文字應儘可能根據其文法或通常意義來解釋,但以不導致荒謬結果為條件。

對於 「 普通詞義規則 」, 可借用美國著名法官 Learned Hand 的話來加以 闡明 : 在合同闡釋中 「 存在一個關鍵性的突破點……在此之外任何 語言不具強制力。…… 」 這一突破點即為 「 普通詞義 」 之限制。換言之 , 儘管是合同起草之粗劣 , 或者不可預見之偶發事件 , 常使合同難為人懂 , 而法院卻拒絕借 「 衡平解釋 」(equitable interpretation) 之幌子 , 為當事人訂立新的合同。此時 ,「 普通詞義 」 規則作為最後 一道屏障而發揮其功用。
  饒有趣味的是 , 普通詞義規則一方面限制了法官對合同用詞之含義進行隨意解釋的自由度 , 而另一方面又促使律師 (com- selor) 儘可能清楚地起草每一份合同。因為欲使合同用詞明白無 誤地表達其特定含義 , 必須排除普通詞義規則的適用。其實 ,「 所 有這些都符合律師行業的利益 , 他們必定十分滿意借助於技術的 專門術語把簡單的事務搞得神乎其神 , 從而使外行需要專家幫助 來把握這些義務。 」




plantiff 原告
defendant 被告
codefendant 共同被告
appellant 上訴人
appellee 被上訴人
judge 法官
en banc 全院
your honer 對法官的敬語
amicus curiae 法院之友
jury 陪審團
jury panel
clerk 書記、法官助理
expert witness 專家證言

verdict 陪審團評決
special verdict
directed verdict
chance verdict
compromise verdict
judgement 法官判決
summary judgement 簡易判決
judgement of the merits
judgement of dismissal
default judgement 缺席判決
order 命令
injunction 禁制令
opinion 意見
majority opinion 多數意見
concurring opinion 協同意見
dissenting opinion 不同意見

overrule 駁回
affirm 肯定
dismiss 不受理
vacate 撤銷


petition 訴願
brief 意見書、理由書
pleading 答辯
motion 請求
motion for a new trial 請求新審訊
motion for a summary judgement 請求簡易判決
motion to dismiss 請求不受理
objection 形式核駁
amicus brief 法庭之友意見書
counterclaim 反訴
cross-claim 交叉訴訟
complaint 訴狀
answer 答辯狀
affirmative defense 積極防禦
defense 防禦
affidavit 切結書、宣誓書
appeal 上訴

hearing 聽證會、公聽會
interrogatories 書面詢證
deposition 口頭詢證
discovery 發現程序
summons 傳票
oral argument

en banc 全院
prima facie case 初步表面證據
de novo 重新審理
in rem 對物的
in re 關於
status quo 現狀

question of law 法律問題
question of fact 事實問題


Legal terminology 法律術語(II) Proceeings procedure 訴訟程式
institution of proceedings 起訴
accusation 控告,起訴
prosecution 起訴
action, claim 訴訟
cause, suit 訴訟,案件
to lodge a complaint 提起訴訟,提出申訴
to institute proceedings, to bring a lawsuit 進行訴訟
to institute proceedings 進行訴訟
complaint 控告,申訴
justice 審判
to judge 審理,審判
lawsuit 訴訟,官司
trial 審理
claim for damages 要求賠償損失
claim for compensation 索賠
writ of summons, citation 傳喚,傳訊
to plead, to claim 辯護
plea 辯護
deposition, evidence 證詞
indictment, charge 公訴書,刑事起訴書
count of indictment 起訴書中列舉的罪項
to plead guilty 服罪
sworn statement 誓詞
on oath 發誓
accuser 原告
plaintiff 原告
the opposing party, the other side 對方當事人
accused, defendant 被告
delinquent, offender 罪犯
guilty party, culprit 有罪一方,當事人
recidivist 慣犯
accomplice 共犯
complicity 同謀,共謀
harbourer 窩藏(罪犯) (美作:harborer)
receiver 隱匿(贓物),窩贓
in flagrante delicto 在作案現場
with malice aforethought 預謀不軌
public hearing 公平
in camera 秘密審議
witness for the prosecution 原告證人
witness for the defence 被告證人
proof, evidence 證據,證詞
witness box 證人席 (美作:witness stand)
dock 被告席
self-defence 正當防衛 (美作:self-defense)
force majeure, act of God 不可抗力
to pronounce sentence 宣判
miscarriage of justice 審判不當,誤判
sentence 宣判,判決
convict 既決犯,被制罪者
judgment by default 缺席審判
to be ordered to pay costs 判處交納訴訟費用
acquittal 宣告無罪,開釋
verdict of not guilty 無罪的判決
petition for a reprieve 緩刑起訴書
stay of proceedings 停止進行訴訟
nonsuit 駁回
to appeal, to lodge an appeal 上訴


【辭典】tying law

tying law 和law of obviousness法律術語譯名解析by 劉蔚銘
對tying law的法律含義的中文譯名抽象化以後可譯爲“附有限制條件的法律”,或根據語境譯爲“搭配銷售法律”。由此類推,對tying和其他詞構成的片語性術語的理解也迎刃而解,如tying arrangement(搭配銷售安排)、tying agreement(搭配銷售協定)、tying product(搭配銷售産品)、tying contract(附有限制條件的合同或契約)等等。

【辭典】評決verdict、 判決judgment




*special verdict特別評決、與general verdict一般評決
評決的形式分成兩種:general verdict,係指對最終結論(即是哪邊勝訴?)下評決;而special verdict,係指法官給與一個個詢問事實的問題,並以回答該問題的形式做評決。
評議為僅由陪審團在法庭之外的別的房間進行,於是評議的結果即為評決,評決一般分為兩種:general verdict僅敘說有罪或無罪的結論,而special verdict則是針點一個個構成要件的有無,進行評決。

directed verdict 指示裁決
The 'Lectric Law Library's Lexicon的解譯:A judge's order to a jury to return a specified verdict, usually because one of the parties failed to prove its case.
A directed verdict is usually made because the judge concludes the plaintiff has failed to offer the minimum amount of evidence to prove her case even if there were no opposition.

chance verdict及compromise verdict
legal-explanations 的解譯:
A "chance verdict" is decided by lot or the flip of a coin, a "compromise verdict" is based on some jurors voting against their beliefs to break a deadlock, and a "quotient verdict" averages the amount of each juror's award are improper and will result in a mistrial or cause a reversal of the judgment when appealed.

也就是說,在庭審前的階段,只有當事人向法官提供足夠的證據,使法官認為案件存在爭點並且有理由將爭點事實交陪審團認定,案件才能經陪審團審理。否則,法官將採用指示裁決(directed verdict),撤訴(dismissal)或駁回請求(non----suit)等方式,直接裁判承擔此部分證明責任的當事人敗訴。

另外,這裡的dismissal,應該就是“judgement of dismissal”,法官覺得沒有必要經陪審團審理,直接撤訴。
summary judgement 簡易判決
judgement of the merits 實體判決
judgement of dismissal 撤訴判決
default judgement 缺席判決


【辭典】cause of action 訴訟原因或訴因

findlaw的字典解譯:cause of action
1: the grounds (as violation of a right) that entitle a plaintiff to bring a suit
: the part of a suit brought on those grounds

【辭典】action on the merits 實體審定書


judgment on the merits
: a judgment made after consideration of the substantive as distinguished from procedural issues in a case
: the substance of a case apart from matters of jurisdiction, procedure, or form

action on the merits

參見(MPEP Section 810)

【辭典】traverse 否認或拒認

: a denial of a matter of fact alleged in the opposing party's pleadings
: a pleading in which such a denial is made

【辭典】"In re" 關於


in re
prep. short for "in regard to" or concerning. Often "in re" is found near the top of lawyers' letters to identify the subject matter, as "In re Matheson v. Roth," or "In re Estate of Ruth Bentley." It is also used in naming legal actions in which there is only one party, the petitioning party, as in "In re Adoption of Marcus McGillicuddy."

"in regard to" 或 concerning的縮寫,通常會在律師信件(lawyers' letters) 的頂端附近看到"In re",用以表示主題,如"In re Matheson v. Roth,"或 "In re Estate of Ruth Bentley." ,它也會被使用於命名“僅有一造當事人,即請願方(petitioning party)”的法律訴訟中,如 "In re Adoption of Marcus McGillicuddy"。


: in the matter of (used in the title or name of a case where the proceeding is in rem or quasi in rem and not in personam (as in a matter involving a probate or bankruptcy estate, a guardianship, or an application for laying out a public highway) and occasionally in the title of an ex parte proceeding (as in an application for a writ of habeas corpus))

用於“對物(in rem or quasi in rem)”而非“對人(in personam (as in a matter involving a probate or bankruptcy estate, a guardianship, or an application for laying out a public highway)” )的案例中。也使用於“僅有一造當事人(ex parte)”的案例中。


【辭典】何謂 "權利金" 以及 "授權"
