
Claim Differentiation 權利範圍差異化理論

這篇原文,來自日本知財研究所的研究報告書關於“均等論”的一篇研究報告 ,一開始我也覺得很奇怪為什麼會“均等論”與“權利範圍差異化理論”一起討論比較。

A) 異なるクレームは異なる範囲をカバーする(*27)。
B) 従属クレームの限定は、それが従属するところの独立クレームには読み込まない(*28)。
C) 従属クレームに対応した実施形態や機能と異なるものが開示されている場合、独立クレームはそれを含むことが考慮される。(異なる独立クレーム間の関係の場合も同様)(*29)


D) 文言表現の違いのみで内容が同じ場合は、理論は適用されない(*30)。
E) 明細書開示の内容、審査経過による主張から決まる範囲をこの理論で超えることはできない(*31)。
F) 二つの異なるクレーム間の相違が単に付加的でない場合、理論は適用されない(*32)。
G) 機能的文言による「構造的均等物」の推定がこの理論に反する場合は、機能的文言による推定の方が優先される(§112パラグラフ6の推定の方が、Claim Differentiationの推定より強い)(*33)。

d、 僅為文字表現的差異,內容則相同時,不適用此理論。
f、 兩相異請求項間的不同處,並非單僅是附加的情況時,不適用此理論。
g、 依功能性語言決定的「構造的均等物」的推定,相反於此理論時,優先考慮依功能性語言的推定(112第6段的推定優先於Claim Differentiation的推定。)。





また、独立クレームが機能的クレームの場合はG)に示した機能的クレームの構造的均等物との関係から、機能的文言の一形態としての構造クレームは不要と思われる。すなわち、機能的限定の構造的均等物が実施形態に限定解釈された場合、機能的文言による推定の方が強いためにClaim Differentiationの推定では機能的限定の範囲を拡大できず、構造クレームが意味をなさないためである。この場合は、機能的クレームの構造的均等物を拡大させることの方が重要になる。

獨立項為功能請求項時,不應利用與g情況所示之功能請求項之構造的均等物間的關係,解釋成構造的請求項作為功能性語言的一樣態。亦即,功能限定之構造的均等物被限定解釋成實施樣態時,依功能語言的推定較強,所以不能利用Claim Differentiation的推定擴大功能限定的範圍,不能視為具有構造請求項的意思。此情況,擴大功能請求項之構造的均等物較為重要。

(*27) 384 F.2d 391, 404, 413-414 (Ct.Cl. 1967).
(*28) 403 F.3d 1364, 1370 (Fed.Cir. 2005).
(*29) 415 F.3d 1303, 1324-27 (Fed.Cir. 2005).
(*30) 384 F.2d at 407 (Ct.Cl. 1967).
(*31) 831 F.2d 1017, 1023-24 (1987).
(*32) 73 F.3d 1573, 1580-81 (Fed.Cir. 1996).
(*33) 424 F.3d 1293, 1304 (Fed.Cir. 2005).
(*34) 413 F.3d at 1368-69 (Fed.Cir.2005).
(*35) 403 F.3d at 1370 (Fed.Cir.2005).
(*36) 413 F.3d at 1369 (Fed.Cir.2005).
(*37) 最高裁平成10年2月24日 判決民集52巻1号113頁 平6(オ)1083号「ボールスプライン軸受上告審」。



混合類別型請求項   Mixed Claim Types


Manual of Patent Examination Procedure. § 2173.05(p)(II) (1999) ("A single claim which claims both an apparatus and the method steps of using the apparatus is indefinite under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph.")

MPEP § 2173.05(p)(II) 記載有:單一的請求項同時請求“裝置”及“使用該裝置的方法步驟”,係為不明確,不符合 35 U.S.C. 112 第二段規定。

The November 2005 IPXL Holdings v. Amazon CAFC ruling found claim 25 in the notorious Amazon 1-click patent (6,149,055) indefinite.

25. The system of claim 2 [including an input means] wherein the predicted transaction information comprises both a transaction type and transaction parameters associated with that transaction type, and the user uses the input means to either change the predicted transaction information or accept the displayed transaction type and transaction parameters.

The problem was that the claim could have been read either as a system claim or method claim.

Thus, it is unclear whether infringement of claim 25 occurs when one creates a system that allows the user to change the predicted transaction information or accept the displayed transaction, or whether infringement occurs when the user actually uses the input means to change transaction information or uses the input means to accept a displayed transaction.





〉●似乎僅需將原請求項修改成「the system allows the user to use the input means to」,這樣就不會被視為不明確了,差幾個字就差那麼多難以想像。建議以後撰寫請求項時,多多使用“用以”、“藉以使”等用語。

〉●不過,上述的情況和 MPEP 2106所記載的內容,兩者間滿容易混淆

MPEP 2106 

For example, a claimed invention may be a combination of devices that appear to be directed to a machine and one or more steps of the functions performed by the machine. Such instances of mixed attributes, although potentially confusing as to which category of patentable subject matter the claim belongs, does not affect the analysis to be performed by USPTO personnel. Note that an apparatus claim with process steps is not classified as a "hybrid" claim; instead, it is simply an apparatus claim including functional limitations. See, e.g., R.A.C.C. Indus. v. Stun-Tech, Inc., 178 F.3d 1309 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (unpublished).



〉●要分清楚此兩者間的界線,也許可以參考The Patent Prospector的意見。

The cutting edge for an non-statutory dual-matter claim is whether the claim could be reasonably read "either-or" - interpretable within two of the four categories of patentable subject matter: "process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter" (35 U.S.C. §101). Another viewpoint would be to answer the question: what is crucial, specifically novel, about the claim that merits its patentability? If the answer lies in a different claim type than the claim nominally is, the claim is invalid.





連結(the patent prospector)中亦列出了將來能夠用來進行進步性答辯的方向。













13、所提案之組合或修改,會破壞參考文獻的功能,或使其無法滿足它的使用目的(參考MPEP 2143.01)。

14、所請求之範圍的重要性;加上產生該效果的證據(參考MPEP 2144.05)。




From that flow possible arguments to counter obviousness. There are but a few primary thrusts, with variations that apply to different claimed subject matter.

1) The claims derive from unpredictable results. Best used when pointing out how the prior art approach failed to yield similar results.

2) The prior art use exhibited different properties than that achieved by the claimed invention; a variation of unpredictable results.

3) The cited prior art teaches away from the claimed invention. Best used when the prior art takes a vector that achieves different results, uses different means or different process.

4) The cited prior art combination yielded different results, so would not yield the claimed invention. 

5) The claimed invention is not a combination, as evidence by the cited combination prior art being different in some way from the claimed invention.

6) Hindsight bias was applied by the examiner because the problem solved by the claimed invention was viewed in a different context by the cited prior art; from that (prior art) context, the solution would thus not have been obvious. Alternately, in the framework of prior art application, the cited combination would not have been considered to have a reasonable expectation of success. This a more subtle variant when the teaching away argument cannot be substantiated.

7) The combination results from such disparate technology arts, where prior art application was substantially different than claimed, that the combination could only be conceived in hindsight.

8) The cited prior art combines different processes occurring in different contexts, using different mechanisms, at different stages, and/or with different results.

9) One of the claimed elements functions differently than in the cited prior art.

10) There were an infinite number of combinations possible in the prior art, and a particular previously unrealized insight led to the claimed invention.

11) The examiner did not provide a reason or analysis of why references would be combined. Alas, this is mostly a taunt for the examiner to come back with a cooked-up rationale. Attacking the rationale as unrealistic may be a long shot, but take all the shots you can get.

I've been trying to come up with a list of possible attacks on prima facie obviousness, since the KSR decision came down. Your list is helpful, but pitiful (unfortunately, this is what we're left with).

I would add the following:

1. Combined references fail to teach all claim limitations--we've still got this one, lest we forget.

MPEP 2143.01

2. The proposed combination or modification would destroy the functioning of the reference, or make it unsatisfactory for its intended purpose.

MPEP 2144.05

3. Criticality of claimed ranges + evidence to that effect.

Secondary Factors

1. Commercial success (good luck)

2. Satisfaction of long felt need

3. Failure of others

4. Copying by others

IMO, KSR sort of revived the secondary considerations as a point of attack. By citing them favorably, I think the SCOTUS may force the PTO to pay more than lip service when denying patentability over these. However, obviously, more than argument will be necessary to establish their validity.

Hawk anb BierBelly,

Love your posts, here and otherwise.

If my memory serves, and it doesn't always anymore due to my advancing years, there was a Fed. Cir. decision, maybe a little after KSR, and non-precedential, in which the court found the invention non-obvious because it would have been common sense NOT to combine the references, or in other words, that it would have been uncommon sense to combine the references.

I think the case involved a situation where reference A had an element for performing a particular function and the court said there was nothing, including common sense, that would provide one of ordinary skill in the art with a reason to swap that element with another, different element from reference B for performing the same function. Kind of cutting against that whole "interchangeability" reasoning for combining.

I'll keep your lists in mind, but what I've found since KSR is that it's just easier to make a technical argument. Explain why the proposed modification or combination just wouldn't be done, wouldn't make sense, wouldn't be beneficial.







※於KSR中的基本理由係依賴可預期的結果及可預想的成功,二次考量可以用來討論此等。關於評估二次考量之說服性的提示,請參考MPEP 716至716.04,以及132宣誓書的部分)。

※能夠適用關於“相反教示”及“破壞了教示”的論點,但應小心。請參照MPEP 2145 Section X. D. “References Teach Away from the Invention or Render Prior Art Unsatisfactory for Intended Purpose”;以及MPEP 2141.02 與2143.01。
※能夠適用關於“後見之明”的論點,但應小心。請參照MPEP 2145 Section X. A. “Impermissible Hindsight”。 後見之明的論點需克服所發現的事實及說明於基本理由的結論。
※能夠適用關於“可預期的成功”的論點,但應小心。請參照MPEP 2143.02 “Reasonable Expectation of Success is Required”。於電子案中可能性較稀少。

※申請人單僅陳述或爭論:智財局沒有確立進步性的初步表面證據;智財局所依賴的常識沒有文件證據的支持。單僅是此些陳述或爭論不被認為是實質且適足的反證理由;或不被認為是對於拒絕理由之有效的反駁(參考37 CFR 1.111(b))。


【辭典】Subject matter 主題

【辭典】Subject matter 主題

Definition: Subject matter is what something is about.

In artwork, the subject matter would be what the artist has chosen to paint, draw or sculpt. In patent law, the subject matter would be the technical content of a patent or patent application found in the description, claims and drawings.


In other words, subject matter is what the inventor has choosen to invent, and in a patent application the inventor must reveal the subject matter (invention) in a way dictated by law.


Example 1 : The specification must conclude with a claim particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention or discovery.

Example 2 : The distinction between patentable and unpatentable subject matter continues to be a topic of debate among software developers, academics, lawyers, and USPTO examiners.

Example 3 : The patented subject matter, and additional subject matter still pending in the US and foreign patent offices, includes claims to methods and devices for delivering medicinal substances to the interior of cells in various body tissues.




意匠が登録されると意匠公報に掲載されます。しかしながら、意匠は物品の美的外観に関する創作であるため公表されると容易に模倣・盗用され得ますので、販 売開始までは秘密にしておきたいというニーズがあります。したがって、意匠の登録日から3年以内の期間であれば公表せずに秘密にしておくことを認める秘密 意匠制度が設けられています。



第十四条 秘密意匠


ことを認める 承認
對於這個日文單字,一開始覺得翻譯成承認怪怪的,查了字典的結果,對應的英文字為“acknowledge”,使用方法的例句有“acknowledge the right to petition”、“acknowledge a deed before a notary public”,因此最後決定依“承認”來翻譯。




常常聽人提及要尊重知識產權,用一種道德的口氣來要求人尊守,也許在試著閱讀New York time 2002年出版一篇文章後,會另人有不相同的想法。

New Economy; The intellectual property debate takes a page from 19th-century America


Published: October 14, 2002

IN the 19th century, the United States was both a rapidly industrializing nation and -- as Charles Dickens, among others, knew all too well -- a bold pirate of intellectual property.

But these days, when it comes to dealing with developing nations around the world, the United States seems to be ignoring its own swashbuckling heritage. 

The global debate over intellectual property rights -- patents, copyrights and trademarks -- is focused mainly on forward-looking industries like computer software, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. But Americans can look back to this nation's 19th-century experience in book publishing, for example, to understand the developing world's viewpoint.

Back then, American law offered copyright protection -- but only to citizens and residents of the United States. The works of English authors were copied with abandon and sold cheap to an American public hungry for books. This so irritated Mr. Dickens -- whose ''Christmas Carol'' sold for 6 cents a copy in America, versus $2.50 in England -- that he toured the United States in 1842, urging the adoption of international copyright protection as being in the long-term interest of American authors and publishers.


Indeed, the economies that were shining success stories of development, from the United States in the 19th century to Japan and its East Asian neighbors like Taiwan and South Korea in the 20th, took off under systems of weak intellectual property protection. Technology transfer came easily and inexpensively until domestic skills and local industries were advanced enough that stronger intellectual property protections became a matter of self-interest.

【 2022/07/26 更新】
