

美國專利答辯稿會在各請求項編號後方括號中所加註指明之該案請求項的當次狀態:(original)、(currently amended)、(canceled)、(withdrawn)、(new)、(previously presented)以及(not entered),該些用語是什麼意思?請參考如下。

Amendments to the Claims (37 CFR§1.121(c)):
If an amendment adds, deletes, or changes any claim, a listing of all claim numbers that are, or were, in the application, must be provided in sequential ascending order. After each claim number, a status identifier, in parentheses, should be provided. After each status identifier, the full text of the claim, except for “canceled” or “not entered” claims, must also be provided with changes shown in the manner of marking described above. Claims that are not currently being amended should be presented in clean copy form.

For each claim, only one status identifier from the following list must be used:
(Original): claim filed with the application
(Currently amended): claim being amended in the current amendment document
(Canceled): claim deleted from the application
(Withdrawn): claim still in the application, but in a non-elected statusPage 3
(Withdrawn -- Currently amended): claim in a non-elected status and being amended in the current amendment document
(Previously presented): claim added or amended in an earlier amendment document
(New): claim being added in the current amendment document
(Not entered): claim presented in a previous amendment document but which either (1) has not been entered or (2) the status of entry is unknown to Applicant (applies primarily to after final amendments)
