
【美專】關於Provisional Application 與國內優先權

在這Inventors Resources Tip of the Month有關 "Provisional Application Features的介紹:
* Provides simplified filing with a lower initial investment with one full year to assess the invention’s commercial potential before committing to the higher cost of filing and prosecuting a non-provisional application for patent;
* Establishes an official United States patent application filing date for the invention;
* Permits one year’s authorization to use 'Patent Pending' notice in connection with the invention;
* Begins the Paris Convention priority year;
* Enables immediate commercial promotion of the invention with greater security against having the invention stolen;
* Preserves application in confidence without publication in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 122(b);
* Permits applicant to obtain USPTO certified copies;
* Allows for the filing of multiple provisional applications for patent and for consolidating them in a single �111(a) non-provisional application for patent;這一點對於研發型的公司很有用,為了強先得到申請日只要有發明就搶先file provisional application,再於等到一年內,將這一整年的整合成一個申請案。
* Provides for submission of additional inventor names by petition if omission occurred without deceptive intent (deletions are also possible by petition).

* provisional application和國外優先權相同,可以主張複數個權先權、部分優先權
* 非英文申請案也可以不需要繳翻譯文
* 可以“徧移”專利權期間一年,這對醫藥、農藥的公司更為重要,因為新藥及新農藥還需要國家的允可才可上市,通常需要做很多的試驗,雖然大部分的國家都會規 定延長的條款,試驗的時間也許會長過最大可延長期間(臺灣最多可延長5年),所以對醫藥、農藥的公司可以發明完成後儘快申請試驗,利用“國內優先權”的方 式,將專利權期間往後徧移一年,又可以取得較早的申請日。

註 二: 美國是「先發明」主義的國家,雖然新穎性的規定中大部分是以發明日作為判定基準,有些法規中卻是以美國申請日為基準。例如美國專利法第 102(b) 條中的新穎性判定是以 "美國申請日" 作為判定基準。另外,依照美國專利法的 102(e)條的規定,審查委員可以引用具有較早 "美國申請日" 的已公開或獲准的申請案作為核駁其他申請案的引證案。


關於 US Porvisional Application for patent,其中哈金前輩有提到provisional application的專利期間計算可分為兩種:
(1)如果在 PPA 提出後的 12 個月內提出一般的美國專利申請案,並主張 PPA 的申請日作為優先權日,美國專利期限是一般申請案的申請日起算 20 年(過程中如果有延誤的話,美國專利會作適當的專利期調整)。
(2)但是如果是直接將 PPA 直接轉為一般申請案的話,美國專利期限是由 PPA 的申請日起算 20 年,由於起算日較早,因此期限日會比第一種情況早,所以大部分的申請人都不太會選擇直接將 PPA 轉為一般申請案。」

一開始一直覺得很奇怪為什麼會有第二種,provisional application使用第二種的話,一點意義也沒有,後來於某個日本文章看到了答案:
因為巴黎公約規定,只要是合約國的“正式” 申請案,都可主張國際優先權,美國為了就是避開provisional application被其他國家視為“非正式”申請案,而不能在其他國家主張provisional application的優先權,所以才於1999年11月29日進行修法,加入第二種直接轉為一般申請案的方式。

It used to be commonly believed that PCT conversions may be in jeopardy when a US provisional application did not have claims, under the theory that the US provisional was not a valid national application for some foreign countries. However, Congress amended section 111(b)(5) so that a provisional may be converted to a non-provisional and vice-versa. Because a provisional always has the potential to be converted to a non-provisional, it is a valid national application under Article 4 of the Paris Convention.

小 弟個人覺得“provisional application”相當於臺灣的”國內優先權”,因此若有需要利用到“provisional application”的好處時,在臺灣可以考慮使用國內優先權,至於這樣的使用要注意什麼我就不是很清楚了,另一方面CA、CIP、或DA的子案所享 受到的並不像“優先權”那樣有那麼多的彈性,它比較像臺灣的“分割案”雖然這麼說會有點牽強,其實只要注意一下美國MPEP的用字即可知道美專實務中是有 刻意要將它們加以區別的,如「priority under 35 U.S.C. 119(e)」119條下的稱做priority;但是「 benefit under 35 U.S.C. 120」120下的稱做benefit,因此只要看到用字就可以知道他們是引用哪條條款,至於為什麼要設計”國內優先權”呢?試想在巴黎公約規定“國外優 先權”後,一個外國案可以享受到的利益(參考上述雖然不儘相同),如果國內沒有設計個“國內優先權”的話,是不是會造成“國外”和”國內”的不平等?

寫 這篇文章是為了,上述的「這一點對於研發型的公司很有用,為了強先得到申請日只要有發明就搶先file provisional application,再於等到一年內,將這一整年的整合成一個申請案」,如果過了一年之後怎麼辦?在做申請專利的策略上應考慮什麼?小弟最近還在閱讀 資料以及思考,往後的blogger內容也都會與這個題目相關。

This application is filed in accordance with 35 U.S.C. .sctn.119(e)(1) and claims the
benefit of the provisional application Ser. No. 60/227,033 filed on Aug. 23, 2000, entitled "Method And Apparatus For Texture Tiling In A Graphics System."

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...


35 U.S.C. 119(e)(1), as amended by the AIPA, clearly prohibits the addition or correction of * >benefit<
claims under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) when the application
is no longer pending, e.g., an issued patent. Therefore, a reissue is not a valid mechanism for adding
or correcting a * >benefit< claim under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) after a patent has been granted.
>Correction of failure to adequately claim priority under 35 U.S.C. 120 in an earlier filed copending U.S. Patent application was held a proper ground for reissue.
Sampson v. Comm’r Pat., 195 USPQ 136, 137
(D.D.C. 1976). If the utility or plant application which became the patent to be reissued was filed on or after November 29, 2000, the reissue applicant must file a petition for an unintentionally delayed priority claim under 37 CFR 1.78(a)(3) and (a)(6) in addition to filing
a reissue application. See MPEP § 201.11. For treatment of an error involving disclaimer of a priority claim under 35 U.S.C. 120, see MPEP 1405.<
A reissue applicant’s failure to timely file a divisional
application >covering the non-elected inven-tion(s) following a restriction requirement< is not considered to be error causing a patent granted on elected claims to be partially inoperative by reason of claiming less than the applicant had a right to claim. Thus, such applicant’s error is not correctable by reissue
of the original patent under 35 U.S.C. 251. ** >See MPEP § 1412.01.
A reissue may be based on a