
【辭典】專利蟑螂(patent troll)

【辭典】專利蟑螂patent troll

パテント・トロール(patent troll)の明確な定義は存在しないが、倒産した企業から安く買い取った特許を元に、侵害被疑企業に対して特許侵害だとして、通常その特許権に係る発明を実施していないにもかかわらず、高額なライセンス料を請求する者を指す。



誰是Patent Troll眼中大肥羊?











實施權分成「專用實施權(exclusive licence)(日本特許法78条)」和「通常實施權(non-exclusive licence)(日本特許法77条)」兩種。其中,專用實施權必須向智財局登錄(日本特許法98条1項2号),而通常實施權只要雙方締結合約即可生效,但是向智財局登錄後,可以對抗其後依專利權讓渡之新專利權人(日本特許法99条1項)。


  • 非獨占的通常實施權;

  • 獨占的通常實施權,即於契約中規定專利權人不得再授權於第三者,與專用實施權不同的地方在於不能提訴(及差し止め請求(?))等;

  • 法定的通常實施權,即先使用權(日本特許法79条)。


○第 59 條 發明專利權人以其發明專利權讓與、信託、授權他人實施或設定質權,非經向專利專責機關登記,不得對抗第三人。
○第 75 條 專利專責機關應備置專利權簿,記載核准專利、專利權異動及法令所定之一切事項。





○第 61 條 發明專利權為共有時,除共有人自己實施外,非得共有人全體之同意,不得讓與或授權他人實施。但契約另有約定者,從其約定。
○第 62 條 發明專利權共有人未得共有人全體同意,不得以其應有部分讓與、信託他人或設定質權。

依臺灣專利法第61條與第62條,日本第73條 之規定,當專利共有的時候,各自專利權人可以自由實施,但若要“授權”、“讓與”、“設定質權”時,則要經所有共同專利權人的同意,此條法律原是要保護所 有的專利權人,但當有一方專利權人沒有能力實施專利權,但當要授權其他專利權人卻不同意時,對於沒有能力實施專利權是一種損害。

こ の点に関して,文部科学省のひな形をはじめ各大学の標準契約書は,共同研究の相手企業がそこで生じた特許発明を実施した場合は,実施料を大学に支払うとい う規定を設けている。これは,共有権利者の一方が特許発明を実施できないため,実施している共有権利者が不実施の共有権利者に対して実施料を支払い,補償 する趣旨であり,「不実施補償」あるいは「不実施料」といわれている。


文部科学省が平成15 年(2003 年)4 月1 日付で改訂した「共同研究契約書」の参考例( 雛形):

日本学校法人早稲田大学総合研究機構的「共 同 研 究 契 約 書(雛形)」(成果の実施)
第14条 甲は、本研究の成果を研究以外の目的に実施しないものとする。





subject matter jurisdiction:事物管轄權
personal jurisdiction:人的管轄權
in personam jurisdiction:對人的管轄權
in rem jurisdiction:對物的管轄權
quasi in rem jurisdiction:準對物的管轄權

源自特許権の効力に関する国際的問題  松本直樹 

州は、その州の領土内の人および物に対して主権を有するから、州内の人に対する裁判権の行使ができるし(対人管轄権: in personam jurisdiction)、同じく州内の物に対する権利関係を確定する裁判権の行使ができる(対物管轄権: in rem jurisdiction)。


特許権侵害の問題は、物に対する主権によって基礎付けられるようなものではないから、対人管轄権の問題である(なお、他に準対物管轄権quasi in rem jurisdictionと言われるものもあるが、これは、その物に対する主権を根拠として、その物だけを引当とする有限責任を基礎付けるものである)。

因為專利權侵害的問題不是以對物的主權為基礎,所以是對人的管轄權的問題(另外,還有其他人認為,其是準對物管轄權quasi in rem jurisdiction,但這是以對該物之主權為根據,再以「僅將該物作為擔保的有限責任」為基礎)。

源自特許権の効力に関する国際的問題  松本直樹 
 米国の連邦裁判所のジュリスディクションが認められるためには、事物管轄権(subject matter jurisdiction: その種類の事案を裁判する権限があること)と人的管轄権(personal jurisdiction: その事案および当事者について裁判する権限があること)の要件が両方とも満たされる必要がある。

subject matter jurisdiction(事物管轄權):具有裁判該種類案件的權限
personal jurisdiction(人的管轄權):具有對該案件及當事者進行裁判的權限

憲法の定める連邦裁判所が独占的に扱うことができる裁判は、1)特許権、商標権、著作権に関する事件、2)海事事件、3)破産事件、4)連邦独禁法事件、5)大使等の外交使節に関する事件 、 6)合衆国が訴訟の当事者である事件です。

依憲法規定之連邦法院獨占處理的裁判有如下事件:(1)關於專利權、商標權、著作權的事件;(2)海事事件;(3)破產事件;(4)連邦禁止獨占(the Antimonopoly [Antitrust] Law)事件;(5)關於大使等的外交使節的事件;(6)以合眾國為訴訟當事者的事件。



【辭典】nonexclusive patent license 非專屬授權

【辭典】nonexclusive patent license 非專屬授權

A nonexclusive patent license is simply a promise not to sue for infringement. See Rite-Hite Corp. v. Kelley Co., 56 F.3d 1538, 1552 (Fed. Cir. 1995) (en banc); Spindelfabrik Suessen-Schurr Stahlecker & Grill GmbH v. Schubert & Salzer Maschinenfabrik Atkiengesellschaft, 829 F.2d 1075, 1081 (Fed. Cir. 1987). The conveyance of such a license does not obligate the licensee to do anything; it simply provides the licensee with a guarantee that it will not be sued for engaging in conduct that would infringe the patent in question.

nonexclusive patent license僅不過是保證不會提起侵權訴訟而已。

IP Strategy 授權策略

IP Strategy 授權策略

You may be wondering why would they even bother licensing. Why not just dominate the market and reap premiums until the patent expires. In what I call 900 level licensing, I bet they will consider licensing their process to their competition with the expressed purpose of forestalling their competitors R&D. In this way they might keep their competitors from developing the next technology and provide them with long term, high margin revenue. They could use this new revenue to develop the next technique and continue to stay ahead of the pack.



【辭典】警告狀(warning letter、cease and desist letter)

【辭典】警告狀(warning lettercease and desist letter


cease and desist letter
警告状(warning letter参照)。

warning letter
警告状。soft warning letter(実施許諾の用意があることを示す警告状)とhard warning letter(侵害があることを示し、差止を求め、従わなければ法的手段をとるという警告状)とがある。hard warning letterに対して、確認判決訴訟(DJ Action参照)で対抗できる。

分為soft warning letter(表示實施授權準備的警告狀)及hard warning letter(表示有侵害要求禁止不尊守的話,將進行法律程序的警告狀)兩種。針對hard warning letter可以用確認判決訴訟對抗之。




公 知例たる技術的手段の目的と当該発明の目的とが異なり、公知例の技術的手段の一部を成す数値条件自体は直接には当該発明の目的を達成する手段としての意義 を持たないものであつても、当業者において、公知例の数値条件の技術的合理性、汎用性などにかんがみその数値条件の規定から示唆を得、所要の設計を実施し て、これを特定の目的を持つた当該発明の構成の一部として取り込むのにさして困難があつたとは認められない場合には、当該発明は容易に推考し得たものとす るのが相当だからである。

係為公知例之技術手段的目 的與該發明的目的相異,且完成公知例技術手段之一部分的數值條件本身,即使不具有直接作為達成該發明目的之手段的意義,在顯示出「該行業者,鑑於公知例之 數值條件的技術合理性、汎用性等,從其數值條件的規定得到教示,實施所要的設計,將其拿來作為具有特定目的之該發明構成的一部分」,是不被認為困難的情況 下,該發明被視為能輕易思及者係為適當的。










【辭典】消極禁反言(Negative Doctrine of File Wrapper Estoppel)

【辭典】消極禁反言(Negative Doctrine of File Wrapper Estoppel

均等論 VS 消極均等論
禁反言 VS 消極禁反言

知道這個名詞,源自此本日文書「米國特許訴訟(ISBN 4-8271-0196-6)、ヘンリー幸田著」很老的一本書,1984年 出版。





依據判例不行,禁反言原則,就是如其名“禁反言”,不管是正向的適用或是反向的適用,如上所述這種消極地適用法則,就稱為“消極禁反言(Negative Doctrine of File Wrapper Estoppel)”。


PS:在找資料的過程中,曾以“Negative Doctrine of File Wrapper Estoppel”為關鍵字,用google搜尋,結果不管是英文或日文都找不到這個名詞,它就好像不存在一樣,但是竟然在臺灣的網站可以找到這個名詞,第一次發生這種事,讓我嚇了好一大下,能看繁體中文的資料,最“樂”,不過看了之後竟然發現,……。反過來想想在英文或日文都找不到這個名詞,很有可能這個法則早已不被適用了,只不過是過去式,已成歷史,僅是博物館的資料罷了(?)。




這是美國「Professor Stern's Computer Law course」之智權課程上課教科書,請先參考其網頁,後可再參考書藉目錄,選擇你所想要閱讀的部分。

PS:這是搜尋這個判例(MORGAN ENVELOPE CO v. ALBANY PERFORATED WRAPPING PAPER CO., 152 U.S. 425 (1894))的時候看到的,這個判例很有趣,不過我完全沒看,只是看到一本書提到它而已,等著要看。上天啊,請不斷賜予我毅力及不斷追求知識的熱忱。算了,我比較容易被撒旦給迷惑惰落,在惰落的時候比較快樂。




日本の審判制度 -その概要- 

  日本の審判は、一方当事者による(ex parte)審判と当事者対立型の(inter partes)審判に大別することができる。一方当事者による審判としては、拒絶査定に対する審判、特許付与後の異議申立て制度及び訂正審判がある。そし て、当事者対立型の審判としては、特許の無効の審判がある。その他、具体的な係争物が特許権の権利範囲に属するか否かに関して、特許庁の見解を示す判定制 度がある。 

日本審判制度大致可區分為:一方當事者(ex parte)審判;和當事者對立型審判。一方當事者審判,係有:針對核駁審定的審判;授予專利後的舉發和訂正審判。而當事者對立型審判則有專利無效審判。其他,還有判決制度,亦即關於具體的係爭物是否屬於專利權的權利範圍,表示出專利局的見解。

  審査から審判そして裁判所に至る手続きの概略は次のとおりである。審査官により拒絶査定がなされた場合に、それについて不服がある出願人は、拒絶査定に対 する審判を提起することができる。また、特許査定が行われた場合において、その特許内容に瑕疵があることを発見した者は、特許公報の発行から6月以内に、 その理由と証拠を特許庁に提出して、異議申立てを行うことができる。また、利害関係を有する者は、無効審判を提起することができる。加えて、特許の瑕疵を 修正するための制度として、訂正審判がある。そして、これらの審判部の判断については、東京高等裁判所に不服を申立てることができ、更に最高裁判所に上告 することができる。 



- 共通点と相違点
特許庁 審判部長
石井 正

自 己的想法:「一方當事者審判,係有:針對核駁審定的審判;授予專利後的舉發和訂正審判」。一方當事者審判都是針對行政部門所判出之處分不服所提出的審判, 由法院針對既有的資料直接審判,在審判中行政部門沒有機會發表意見,因為其在做出行正處分時,已表示過自己的意見。例如,於針對核駁審定的審判中,若法院 認為核駁理由不充分,不應再給予行政部門提出新的核駁理由,而是直接撤銷,要求行政部門重新審查,因此這種類別的訴訟,只有一方當事者。(這樣的想法對 嗎?我也不知道自己隨便想的,我沒有上課任何法律的課程,沒有任可法律素養。)




「平成16年5月28日 東京地裁判決 平成15年(ワ)16055号事件」
生田哲郎 高橋淳

な お,そもそも,被告各製品の中には粒径が5.0~0.1mmの鉄鉱石が含まれていたのですから,粒径が5.0ないし8.0mmの鉄鉱石は付加的構成である との主張もあり得たと思われます。しかし,結論的には,均等侵害が否定されたのと同じ理由により,かかる主張は否定されるでしょう。


c 均等の第1要件についての判断
「砂 と,粒径5.0~0.1mm,比重2.9~5.0の酸化鉄系鉄鉱石とからなり,比重が2.1~2.56のモルタルと砂利」を用いることは,先行技術に見ら れない本件特許発明特有の解決手段として位置付けられているものというべきであるから,本件特許発明の本質的部分を構成するというべきである。


イ 第5要件
被 告各製品は,細骨材に粒径5.0ないし8.0mmの鉄鉱石を含んでおり(各被告製品の構成e),この点で本件明細書の特許請求の範囲に記載された構成と異 なっているところ,当該相違部分は,上記のとおり,特許発明の特許出願手続において特許請求の範囲から意識的に除外されたものというべきであるから,各被 告製品は,均等の第5要件も満たさない。






「平成16年5月28日 東京地裁判決 平成15年(ワ)16055号事件」
生田哲郎 高橋淳

特 許発明の本質的部分とは,特許請求の範囲に記載された特許発明の構成のうちで,当該特許発明特有の課題解決手段を基礎づける特徴的部分,言い換えれば,当 該部分が他の構成に置き換えられるならば全体として当該特許発明の技術的思想とは別個のものと評価されるような部分をいう。そ して,発明が各構成要件の有機的な結合により特定の作用効果を奏するものであることに照らせば,対象製品との相違が特許発明における本質的部分に係るもの であるかどうかを判断するに当たっては,特許請求の範囲の記載だけでなく,特許発明を先行技術と対比して課題の解決手段における特徴的原理を確定すべきで ある。

專利發明的本質部分,係指:於申請專利範圍所 記載的專利發明的構成中,以該專利發明特有的解決課題手段為基礎的特徵部分;換言之,若將該部分置換成其他構成的話,則整體觀之,該專利發明的技術思想會 被視為另一個技術思想,這樣的部分即為本質部分。於是,若對照發明根據各構成要件的有機結合而達成特定的作用效果,進行判斷專利發明與對象製品的相異部 分,是否為有關專利發明的本質部分者時,不僅是確定申請專利範圍的記載,還應該將專利發明與先前技術進行對比,來確定解決課題手與的特徵原理。




惟查專利審查基準第1-2-24頁 明文:「選擇發明,係指選擇已知上位概念發明之下位概念而作為構成要件之發明,‧‧‧,因已知發明並未有具體之揭示,‧‧‧,只要其較已知發明具非顯而易 知之突出功效,此選擇發明即非能輕易完成。」而所謂「選擇已知上位概念發明之下位概念而作為構成要件之發明」,依同基準第1-2-26頁明文乃指「對已知發明或習知技術內容中之某些參數條件,如組成、溫度、壓力、流速等加以數值上(量)的界定之發明」,該基準於第1-2-25頁以及1-2-26頁並舉出數個上、下位概念之例示,兩相對照,足見前揭經濟部經(八六)訴字第八六六零八八一五號訴願決定書對上下位概念觀點之有所謬誤,而顯然違背專利審查基準之規定。(源自:淺論專利審查基準之性質 台灣國際專利法律事務所律師 陳智超)


し かし、引用例に、触媒も含めて、本願発明と区別の付かない製造条件によって一酸化炭素とエチレンとブチレン―1とを共重合することによりポリケトンを製造 することが実質的に記載されていることは前記1の認定のとおりである。してみると、製造条件に実質的な差異がない以上、引用例記載の発明と本願発明は、同 じ性質を有すると解すべきである。そして、本願発明について特定の範囲の融点および極限粘度を規定したことによって当業者が予測できない顕著な作用効果を 奏すると認めるに足りる証拠はないから、本願発明が引用例記載の発明と異なるものということはできない。

本 案例中,雖然原告以其發明為選擇發明作為新穎性的主張,但日本法院認為,「本案發明與引證案發明,包含觸媒在內其製造條件沒區別。由此來看,既然製造條件 實質上沒有差異,引案證發明與本案發明應理解為具有相同的性質。而且,沒有足夠的證據,來認定本案發明利用限定特定範圍的融點及極限粘度,達成該行業者所無法預測的 顯著作用效果,因此不能將本案發明視為與引證案發明相異」

A selection from a single list of specifically disclosed elements does not confer novelty. However, if a selection from two or more lists of a certain length has to be made in order to arrive at a specific combination of features then the resulting combination of features, not specifically disclosed in the prior art, confers novelty (the "two-lists principle").





醫藥產品通常需要政府的許可才能上市,而為要取得許可證,必需很多的實驗,該等實驗必會使用專利發明,但是否能在專利發明的專利期間內進行?日本的結果可以看看上述資料中第7頁的圖和第8頁表的資料整理。還要注意日本最高法院的判決,內容可參考智識網的免費文章「特別值得注意者為,日本最高法院於1999年有關學名藥廠實驗研究免責之案件判例中,明白地承認學名藥廠商可在專利權期間屆滿前先進行實驗研究並主張免責,且該判決並未提及科技進步要件,故此應為日本司法實務確定之最新見解 。」

臺灣也有此類相關的判決,「台湾台北地方裁判所 2005.05.20 民事判決(93 年度智字第 77 号)」,在臺灣時都不知道此判決,會知道它竟然是因為搜尋日文資料時,不小心找到日本人研究臺灣專利後所發表的小論文,看到之後不自覺佩服日本人,連臺灣的專利都研究。




※The origin of the experimental use defense is linked to an opinion by Supreme Court Justice Story; in Whittemore v. Cutter24 he stated:
[I]t could never have been the intention of the legislature to punish a man who constructed such a machine merely for philosophical experiments, or for the purpose of ascertaining the sufficiency of the machine to produce its described effects.

哲學性的試驗;或為確認說明書記載效果的實施,不會構成專利侵害,見(Wittmore v. Cutter)。

※ Embrex, Inc. v. Service Engineering Corp.(2000)
In this case, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) did not allow the common law exception for an act of experiment conducted for designing around a process invention. The case clarified anew that experimental use exception is only applied to extremely limited acts in the United States.


※ Madey v. Duke University (2002)
This case has clarified anew that common law exception is only applied in extremely limited cases.

Common law的例外原則,僅能適用於極為限定的案例。




※ Madey v. Duke University (2002)
"regardless of whether a particular institution or entity is engaged in an endeavor for commercial gain, so long as the act is in furtherance of the alleged infringer's legitimate business and is not solely for amusement, to satisfy idle curiosity, or for strictly philosophical inquiry, the act does not qualify for the very narrow and strictly limited experimental use defense."






事實上日本此類的判例不多,以下是學者的學說僅考參考,資料來源參見此本日文書:染野啓子「試験・研究における特許発明の実施(I)」AIPPI, Vol. 33, No. 3(1988年)5 頁。



極 めて一般的に行われる試験で、その特許発明が実施可能であるか、明細書記載どおりの効果を有するか、場合によっては副作用等の副次的影響を生ずるものか否 か等を調査するもの。この試験は、更にその特許発明のもたらす経済的利益・不利益、その実施に要するコスト等の確定をも含む。その結果によっては、実施許 諾を受ける可能性が明らかとなる場合もある。

功 能調查:係為極平常施行的試驗,調查如下事項:該專利發明是否具可實施性;是否具有如說明書所記載的效果;依情況是否產生副作用等的次要影響等。該等試驗 更包含確認:該發明所帶來之經濟上的利益、損失;及實施發明所需要的成本等。有時還可依據其結果,來確認是否接受實施授權的可能性。

特 許発明の対象について、さらに改良を遂げ、より優れた発明を完成すること。改良発明は、特許発明と利用関係を作り出すから、その実施については特許権者の 承諾が必要で、実施権が設定されれば、特許権者の利益にも結びつく。迂回発明については、特許発明との間に利用関係を生み出さないが、試験の結果完成した 迂回発明が特許されるためには、新規性、進歩性の要件を満たす必要があることから、結果的に、迂回発明を目的とする試験は技術の進歩に貢献する。

以 改良、發展為目地而進行的試驗:以專利發明為對象,進一步完成改良、完成更優良的發明。因為改良發明與專利發明會產生“利用關係”,其實施必需要專利權人 的授權,設定實施權的話會連結至專利權人的利益。另外,雖然迴避發明與專利發明間不會產生利用關係,但完成試驗結果的迴避發明,為取得專利必需滿足新穎性 和進步性的要件,因此結果,以迴避發明為目的的試驗,對於技術上的進步會具有貢獻(這不就是專利法第1條的精神嗎?)。







  1. 可專利性的調查:針對進步性和新穎性的實驗,而能夠提供資訊(日專施132)、或請求無效審判(日專第123條)等。

  2. 功能調查:調查是否能達成說明書中所述的功效;是否產生副作用等副效果,依其結果讓實施者決定是否要接受專利權人的授權。

  3. 以發展和改良為目的的試驗。





Competent Opinion(適當的專利鑑定)
Indemnification Letter(擔保文件)
Preliminary Injunction(初步禁制令)
Invalidity of Patents(舉發專利無效)
Designing Around(專利迴避設計)
Attorney-Client Privilege(律師與客戶間特殊權利)
in-house general counsel(法務長)

In-House Job Titles Are More Than Just A Name



請先參考一下小弟先前的blog 「用功能代表結構」以及「功能手段語言」


The consequence of defining the term “connector assembly” free of the constraints of section 112 ¶ 6 may be to render the claim more vulnerable to attack for invalidity, but that is a risk that a claim drafter assumes by choosing broad structural terms rather than choosing to claim in means-plus-function format under section 112 ¶ 6.

意思是說,選擇不使用“means”即不使用「功能手段語言」,而用 「用功能代表結構」就必須自己負擔專利會無效的可能,因為這個“means”在此判決以後會響得更為重要,這是判斷是不是「功能手段語言」的重要依據,如:

The presumption that § 112 ¶ 6 does not apply “is a strong one that is not readily overcome.” Id.

沒有使用means就推定不適用§ 112 ¶ 6,而且這個推定不容易推翻。



【辭典】Assignor Estoppel 授權人禁反言

【辭典】Assignor Estoppel 授權人禁反言


The judicial doctrine of assignor estoppel prevents the assignor of a patent from later contending that the patent is invalid.
On appeal, the CAFC agreed that the court had correctly excluded the inventor’s testimony because it would be “unfair” to allow the inventor to testify against the patent.





The five statutory classes are:

Process: doing something. 做些事情
examples: toasting bread, re-entering the earth's atmosphere;

Machine: something that can do something 用來做些事情的物品
examples: a pop up toaster, a space shuttle plus all the subordinate machines contained respectively therein (respectively therein are a couple of obnoxious, though very handy, patent words you'll practice in Lesson 3,);

Manufacture: something made by man 由人類製造的物品
examples: a pop up toaster, a space shuttle plus all the pieces and parts respectively thereof (ditto above);

Composition of Matter: substance made by man 由人類製造的物質
examples: bread dough, the ceramic material used to make the shuttle re-entry tiles;

New Use: doing something new with something that isn't new. 用舊物品做些新的事情。

看完之後,有比較清楚的感覺了嗎?我還是有點模糊,哈哈!不過比以前好多了。事實上,定義在美專第101條的法定類別只有前四個,而最後一個“New Use”是定義在美專第100條的(b)段上:

The term “process” means process, art, or method, and includes a new use of a known process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or material.

如果你的專利標的不是這四種法定類別的話,那麼那些喜歡看“Star Wars年紀只有十三、四歲但卻被困在三、四十歲身體的美國審查委員們,就會告訴你「We don't allow their kind in here.」。


「專利檢索有技巧」: 提供給智權人員的基本資訊至少應有:

確定檢索目標:許多產品具有多項機構或零件組合,若不特別區分,可能會跨許多國際分類或多個技術領域,查詢起來 會很複雜,因此精確鎖定檢索目標是首要工作。

申請人(公司):包含中、英文或在其他國家的名稱,尤須先查詢該公司有無被併購(專利權即易主)或改名稱, 以免查詢無功。


設定關鍵 字:這是最重要的,可詳細詢問研發人員或業務專才,取得較佳而正確的專業字眼,應避免自我編設等效字詞。

發明人:有時在其他相關類產品的重要發明人也會 跨足其他領域,如以一位優秀發明人為檢索對象,常會發現,他曾以某公司或以個人名義申請的專利,就是檢索苦尋不著的專利案,這通常發生在關鍵字無法設定準 確的情況。

【辭典】claim differentiation 申請專利範圍相異原則

【辭典】claim differentiation 申請專利範圍相異原則

趣味の雑誌会(米国特許実務関係): "論説『米国におけるclaim differentiation法理の日本の特許権侵害訴訟での主張の 可否』、中村彰吾、知財管理、Vol.53No.62003pp889-896
 claim differentiationの法理とは、異なるクレーム(文言が異なる)同士は、異なる権利範囲を有すると解釈すべし、というもので、特に従属関係にあるクレーム群においては、従属先のクレームは、従属項における限定事項を含まないものも包含する、と解釈すべき、というものです。←私の理解ですが。"

claim differentiation的法理為文義上相異的claim之間,應解譯成具有相異的權利範圍,特別是具有附屬關係的claim群組,被附屬的claim其所包含的範圍:不包括附屬項的限定條件。

The doctrine of claim differentiation “create[s] a presumption that each claim in a patent has a different scope.” Comark Communications, Inc. v. Harris Corp., 156 F.3d 1182, 1187 (Fed. Cir. 1998). The difference in meaning and scope between claims is presumed to be significant “[t]o the extent that the absence of such difference in meaning and scope would make a claim superfluous.” Tandon Corp. v. United States Int’l Trade Comm’n, 831 F.2d 1017, 1023 (Fed. Cir. 1987). Here, dependent claims limiting the claim to a single cable confirm that the independent claims may encompass more than one cable.




Lighting World, Inc. v. Birchwood Lighting, Inc.03-1534, -1535

c) a connector assembly for connecting each pair of adjacent support members, said connector assembly being pivotally connected to said pair of adjacent support members; and

猜看看「connector assembly」屬不屬於Means-Plus-Function的用語!


When a claim term does not use the term “means,” there is a rebuttable presumption that § 112 ¶ 6 does not apply. Lighting World, Inc. v. Birchwood Lighting, Inc., 382 F.3d 1354, 1358 (Fed. Cir. 2004). To overcome the presumption, a party must demonstrate that the “the claim term fails to recite sufficiently definite structure or recites function without reciting sufficient structure for performing that function.” Id. (internal quotes and citations omitted). The presumption that § 112 ¶ 6 does not apply “is a strong one that is not readily overcome.” Id.

沒有使用means就推定不適用§ 112 ¶ 6,而且這個推定不容易推翻。

In determining whether a claim term recites sufficient structure to avoid application of §112 ¶ 6, the Federal Circuit does not require the claim term to denote a specific structure. Lighting World, 382 F.3d at 1359. Rather, “it is sufficient if the claim term is used in common parlance or by persons of skill in the pertinent art to designate structure, even if the term covers a broad class of structures and even if the term identifies structures by their function.” Id. at 1359-60. The Lighting World court further explained that whether the term at issue does not bring to mind a particular structure is not dispositive. “What is important is whether the term is one that is understood to describe structure, as opposed to a term that is simply a nonce word or a verbal construct that is not recognized as the name of structure and is simply a substitute for the term ‘means for.’” Id. at 1360.


Similarly, in Lighting World, the court rejected the contention that the term “connector assembly” insufficiently identified a structure because dictionary definitions disclosed that the term “connector” had a reasonably well-understood meaning as a name for structure, even though structure was defined in terms of the function it performed. Lighting World, 382 F.3d at 1360-61. The fact that more than one structure may be described by the term “connector,” did not make the term “connector assembly” any less a name for structure. Id. at 1361.

雖然“connector assembly”係用功能來定義結構,但是依字典的定義顯示: “connector”這個term是結構的名稱,這是合理而且公知的意思。因此“connector assembly”已足以定義為結構。

回過頭看看「Lighting World, Inc. v. Birchwood Lighting, Inc.」中出現的一句話:「The consequence of defining the term “connector assembly” free of the constraints of section 112 ¶ 6 may be to render the claim more vulnerable to attack for invalidity, but that is a risk that a claim drafter assumes by choosing broad structural terms rather than choosing to claim in means-plus-function format under section 112 ¶ 6.



【美專】關於Provisional Application 與國內優先權

在這Inventors Resources Tip of the Month有關 "Provisional Application Features的介紹:
* Provides simplified filing with a lower initial investment with one full year to assess the invention’s commercial potential before committing to the higher cost of filing and prosecuting a non-provisional application for patent;
* Establishes an official United States patent application filing date for the invention;
* Permits one year’s authorization to use 'Patent Pending' notice in connection with the invention;
* Begins the Paris Convention priority year;
* Enables immediate commercial promotion of the invention with greater security against having the invention stolen;
* Preserves application in confidence without publication in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 122(b);
* Permits applicant to obtain USPTO certified copies;
* Allows for the filing of multiple provisional applications for patent and for consolidating them in a single �111(a) non-provisional application for patent;這一點對於研發型的公司很有用,為了強先得到申請日只要有發明就搶先file provisional application,再於等到一年內,將這一整年的整合成一個申請案。
* Provides for submission of additional inventor names by petition if omission occurred without deceptive intent (deletions are also possible by petition).

* provisional application和國外優先權相同,可以主張複數個權先權、部分優先權
* 非英文申請案也可以不需要繳翻譯文
* 可以“徧移”專利權期間一年,這對醫藥、農藥的公司更為重要,因為新藥及新農藥還需要國家的允可才可上市,通常需要做很多的試驗,雖然大部分的國家都會規 定延長的條款,試驗的時間也許會長過最大可延長期間(臺灣最多可延長5年),所以對醫藥、農藥的公司可以發明完成後儘快申請試驗,利用“國內優先權”的方 式,將專利權期間往後徧移一年,又可以取得較早的申請日。

註 二: 美國是「先發明」主義的國家,雖然新穎性的規定中大部分是以發明日作為判定基準,有些法規中卻是以美國申請日為基準。例如美國專利法第 102(b) 條中的新穎性判定是以 "美國申請日" 作為判定基準。另外,依照美國專利法的 102(e)條的規定,審查委員可以引用具有較早 "美國申請日" 的已公開或獲准的申請案作為核駁其他申請案的引證案。


關於 US Porvisional Application for patent,其中哈金前輩有提到provisional application的專利期間計算可分為兩種:
(1)如果在 PPA 提出後的 12 個月內提出一般的美國專利申請案,並主張 PPA 的申請日作為優先權日,美國專利期限是一般申請案的申請日起算 20 年(過程中如果有延誤的話,美國專利會作適當的專利期調整)。
(2)但是如果是直接將 PPA 直接轉為一般申請案的話,美國專利期限是由 PPA 的申請日起算 20 年,由於起算日較早,因此期限日會比第一種情況早,所以大部分的申請人都不太會選擇直接將 PPA 轉為一般申請案。」

一開始一直覺得很奇怪為什麼會有第二種,provisional application使用第二種的話,一點意義也沒有,後來於某個日本文章看到了答案:
因為巴黎公約規定,只要是合約國的“正式” 申請案,都可主張國際優先權,美國為了就是避開provisional application被其他國家視為“非正式”申請案,而不能在其他國家主張provisional application的優先權,所以才於1999年11月29日進行修法,加入第二種直接轉為一般申請案的方式。

It used to be commonly believed that PCT conversions may be in jeopardy when a US provisional application did not have claims, under the theory that the US provisional was not a valid national application for some foreign countries. However, Congress amended section 111(b)(5) so that a provisional may be converted to a non-provisional and vice-versa. Because a provisional always has the potential to be converted to a non-provisional, it is a valid national application under Article 4 of the Paris Convention.

小 弟個人覺得“provisional application”相當於臺灣的”國內優先權”,因此若有需要利用到“provisional application”的好處時,在臺灣可以考慮使用國內優先權,至於這樣的使用要注意什麼我就不是很清楚了,另一方面CA、CIP、或DA的子案所享 受到的並不像“優先權”那樣有那麼多的彈性,它比較像臺灣的“分割案”雖然這麼說會有點牽強,其實只要注意一下美國MPEP的用字即可知道美專實務中是有 刻意要將它們加以區別的,如「priority under 35 U.S.C. 119(e)」119條下的稱做priority;但是「 benefit under 35 U.S.C. 120」120下的稱做benefit,因此只要看到用字就可以知道他們是引用哪條條款,至於為什麼要設計”國內優先權”呢?試想在巴黎公約規定“國外優 先權”後,一個外國案可以享受到的利益(參考上述雖然不儘相同),如果國內沒有設計個“國內優先權”的話,是不是會造成“國外”和”國內”的不平等?

寫 這篇文章是為了,上述的「這一點對於研發型的公司很有用,為了強先得到申請日只要有發明就搶先file provisional application,再於等到一年內,將這一整年的整合成一個申請案」,如果過了一年之後怎麼辦?在做申請專利的策略上應考慮什麼?小弟最近還在閱讀 資料以及思考,往後的blogger內容也都會與這個題目相關。

This application is filed in accordance with 35 U.S.C. .sctn.119(e)(1) and claims the
benefit of the provisional application Ser. No. 60/227,033 filed on Aug. 23, 2000, entitled "Method And Apparatus For Texture Tiling In A Graphics System."

什麼叫「All element rule」(四)

什麼叫「All element rule」?(四)

Dolly, Inc. v. Spaulding & Evenflo Cos. 16 F.3d 394, 29 USPQ2d 1767 (Fed. Cir. 1994)

想要更了解「All element rule」一定要看這一篇判例,在此僅以做筆記方式顯現,方便自己以後可迅速找到重點,所以建議親自找此篇判例來看。

一個分開的back and seat panels會等於一個一體成型的stable rigid frame嗎?

Claim 16's language requiring a stable rigid frame independent of seat and back panels is not a requirement solely for literal infringement. This limitation applies under the doctrine of equivalents as well. "Under the doctrine of equivalents, the accused device and the claimed invention cannot work in 'substantially the same way' if a limitation (including its equivalent) is missing."

The doctrine of equivalents cannot extend or enlarge the scope of the claims. Wilson Sporting Goods Co. v. David Geoffrey & Assocs., 904 F.2d 677, 684, 14 USPQ2d 1942, 1948 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 498 U.S. 992 (1990). "The claims--i.e. the scope of patent protection as defined by the claims--remain the same and application of the doctrine expands the right to exclude to 'equivalents' of what is claimed." Id. The doctrine of equivalents is not a license to ignore claim limitations. See Pennwalt Corp., 833 F.2d at 935.

“分開”和“一體成型”差別好像不大,可是因為claim中還特別限定“分開”,所以不能夠忽略“分開”這個限制條件,因而不符合「All element rule」,故不能適用均等論。

The doctrine of equivalents does not require a one-to-one correspondence between components of the accused device and the claimed invention. Intel Corp. v. International Trade Comm'n, 946 F.2d 821, 832, 20 USPQ2d 1161, 1171 (Fed. Cir. 1991); see also Vaupel Textilmaschinen KG v. Meccanica Euro Italia S.P.A., 944 F.2d 870, 882, 20 USPQ2d 1045, 1054 (Fed. Cir. 1991). An accused device may infringe under the doctrine of equivalents even though a combination of its components performs a function performed by a single element in the patented invention. Intel Corp., 946 F.2d at 832. The accused device must nevertheless contain every limitation or its equivalent. Id.

All element rule不需要one-to-one correspondence,組合多個構件執從一個claimelement也可以。

Equivalency can also exist when separate claim limitations are combined into a single component of the accused device. See Sun Studs, Inc. v. ATA Equip. Leasing Inc., 872 F.2d 978, 10 USPQ2d 1338 (Fed. Cir. 1989),

個別的claim limitation也可以組合成一個被疑侵權物的構件。

申 請專利範圍:The optical fiber, according to the claims, features a core with a positive dopant in excess of that in the cladding layer around the core.
被疑侵權物:These fibers, instead, contained a negative dopant in the cladding layer.

The Corning Glass court rejected the accused infringer's argument that the accused fibers could not infringe under the doctrine of equivalents because they lacked a claimed "element," the core dopant.

侵權人答辯說,缺少the core dopant這個"element",故不符合All element rule,所以不適用均等論,此時法官們還特別解譯 element limitation間的關係:

"Element" may be used to mean a single limitation, but it has also been used to mean a series of limitations which, taken together, make up a component of the claimed invention. In the [Pennwalt ] All Elements rule, "element" is used in the sense of a limitation of a claim.... An equivalent must be found for every limitation of the claim somewhere in an accused device, but not necessarily in a corresponding component, although that is generally the case.

因此組合多個limitation而成一個element,如“a [negative] dopant in the cladding”、“a [positive] dopant in the core”。

The use of ... a [negative] dopant in the cladding thus performs substantially the same function in substantially the same way as the use of a [positive] dopant in the core to produce the same result of creating the refractive index differential between the core and cladding of the fiber which is necessary for the fiber to function as an optical waveguide. The

This question is important because the level of abstraction that a court takes in parsing out claim limitations (also referred to as elements) can change the result in any given case. However, if every word in a claim is an “element” under the doctrine of equivalents, the doctrine quickly collapses into literal infringement.

法院如何切割claim limitations而成一個element,會決定一個判決,又若將每個字都當成element,那又容易變成literal infringement。可惜法院並沒有提出指導,說明如何切割 limitation 而成 element。我想應該是視個案而定,以“功能”來切割吧。以上述例子為例,corecladding兩個組合才能產生光通道,因此視為一個element。但再仔細想想,[positive] dopant也會發揮讓core產生“正”的功能啊,為何一定組合呢?





To obtain a patent, an invention must be useful. An inherently inoperative invention lacks the necessary utility, and thus is not entitled to a patent.(沒有“產業利用性”的話是不能得到專利)

Ms. Cortright有個治療禿頭的發明,被審查委員以不具“實用性”核駁,原因滿有趣的:Specifically, the Patent Office presumed that her baldness treatment claims were suspect because baldness is generally consideredincurable”。禿頭真的是incurable的嗎?還好我沒有這種困擾。最後PTOMs. Cortright 缺乏臨床實驗證據(had failed to present any clinical evidence)而核駁該專利。

On appeal, the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (an appeal board within the Patent Office) clarified that Ms. Cortright was not required to submit clinical evidence of Bag Balmseffectiveness to establish her inventions utility. All that patent law requires for the purpose of establishing utility is a credible assertion, as assessed from an ordinarily skilled professionals perspective, that the invention works for its intended purpose.

Board則認為要實用性的不需要臨床實驗證據,僅需要“credible assertion”。但卻以不符合enablement拒絕Ms. Cortright的專利。

Reviewing other patents for baldness treatment, the Court concluded that a claim for restoring hair growth was not a promise of a full head of hair.(治禿頭的發明也不需要a promise of a full head of hair,有長就好)

As this case illustrates, the utility requirement is a relatively easy requirement to meet. You must show only that your invention is capable of performing some beneficial function to humanity, which may be not much if only marginal benefit is expected in the particular field of technology.

我覺得重點在“capable of performing some beneficial function to humanity, which may be not much if only marginal benefit is expected”,實用性的要求是滿低的標準對吧,不過我現在才知道。

Do you think the panel’s ruling in this case was affected by the fact that each judge (Chief Judge Mayer, and Circuit Judges Newman and Rader) has a full head of hair?


【辭典】shop right 職場權

【辭典】shop right 職場權

A shop right is an employer’s non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable license to make, use and sell items embodying an employee’s patentable invention, but only within the normal scope of its business. A shop right doesn’t automatically arise, however. It typically exists only where an employee has used the employer’s time, materials or equipment in creating the patented invention. A shop right can last beyond the employee’s term of employment, but expires along with the patent at the end of its 20 year term. Technically, a shop right is not an ownership right in the patent, but is a defense against an employee’s allegation of patent infringement.
若員工使用雇主的機器、設備等完成發明,那麼雇主就可以擁有實施(製造、使用、販賣)該發明的non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable license,這種就叫做shop right(職場權)。原出處按一下

依專利法之規定,於僱傭關係中,受雇人在職務上完成之發明、新型或新式樣,其「專利申請權和專利權」屬於雇用人所有(hired-to-invent),但可以契約另訂之,雇主並應支付適當的報酬,且所訂契約若使受雇人不能享有權益者無效。非職務範圍內完成之發明或創作,其專利申請權和專利權則歸受雇人所有,但是受雇人在完成後有告知雇主的義務。且若係利用到雇主之資源或經驗而完成者,雇主在支付合理報酬後,在相關事業上有實施該專利的權利 (shop-right)而當係處於聘約關係時受聘人研發完成之專利,其專利申請權和專利權之歸屬乃依雙方契約而定,未約定時則歸受聘人所有,但出資人享有實施權。



【辭典】Quid Pro Quo 相等對價

【辭典】Quid Pro Quo 相等對價

Quid Pro Quo 此拉丁文之意係指相等的報酬或對價,如用於專利權之領域係指回饋,亦即社會給予發明人之發明獲得專利權的保障,該發明人即應回饋社會。





a 相違する構成要件部分が,特許発明の本質的部分ではないこと,
b 相違する構成要件の部分を対象製品におけるものに置き換えても,特許発明の目的を達することができ,同一の作用効果を奏すること,
c 置換が,当業者が対象製品の製造の時点において容易に想到することができたこと,
d 対象製品が,特許発明の特許出願時における公知技術と同一または当業者がこれから出願時に容易に推考できたものではないこと,
e 対象製品が特許発明の特許出願手続において特許請求の範囲から意識的に除外する等の特段の事情がないこと。

  1. 相異構成要件的部分不是專利發明的本質部分。
  2. 即使將相異構成要件的部分,與對象製品中的部分置換,還可以達到相同的專利發明目的,達到相同的作用效果。
  3. 該置換為於該行業者製造對象製品時所能輕易思及者。
  4. 對象製品與專利發明之專利申請時的公知技術相同;或者為該行業者從公知技術於申請當時能夠輕易推知者。
  5. 對象製品不是:於專利發明的申請專利程序中,有意識地將其從申請專利範圍排除等的特別情事。


4. 均等理論成立要件的置換可能性(註32),論及“發明之本質特徵”有關的要件,如果把發明本質特徵的要件,省略其中之一,是否可歸類為“抽出”本質之特徵有關要件,是否即是變更發明本質的特徵,而屬脫離發明技術思想的一種成功的迴避設計?有待引入具體判例或判決解說之。


「平成16年5月28日 東京地裁判決 平成15年(ワ)16055号事件」
生田哲郎 高橋淳

【均 等の第1要件についての判断】:特 許発明の本質的部分とは,特許請求の範囲に記載された特許発明の構成のうちで,当該特許発明特有の課題解決手段を基礎づける特徴的部分,言い換えれば,当 該部分が他の構成に置き換えられるならば全体として当該特許発明の技術的思想とは別個のものと評価されるような部分をいう。そ して,発明が各構成要件の有機的な結合により特定の作用効果を奏するものであることに照らせば,対象製品との相違が特許発明における本質的部分に係るもの であるかどうかを判断するに当たっては,特許請求の範囲の記載だけでなく,特許発明を先行技術と対比して課題の解決手段における特徴的原理を確定すべきで ある。

【均等第1要件的判斷】:專利發明的本質部 分,係指:於申請專利範圍所 記載的專利發明的構成中,以該專利發明特有的解決課題手段為基礎的特徵部分;換言之,若將該部分置換成其他構成的話,則整體觀之,該專利發明的技術思想會 被視為另一個技術思想,這樣的部分即為本質部分。於是,若對照發明根據各構成要件的有機結合而達成特定的作用效果,進行判斷專利發明與對象製品的相異部 分,是否為有關專利發明的本質部分者時,不僅是確定申請專利範圍的記載,還應該將專利發明與先前技術進行對比,來確定解決課題手與的特徵原理。

【2011年06月13日】 更新


平成 6年 (オ) 1083号 特許権侵害差止等


Why element-by-element inquiry ?

How to interpret a patent claim is a key issue in deciding whether an infringement of the patent occurred there. When the Federal Circuit decided Hilton Davis Chemical Co., v. Warner Jenkinson Co., 62 F. 3d 1512, (Fed. Cir. 1995), it used "insubstantial difference" test to decide whether the accused product or process infringed the patented product or process. That is, if the accused product or process as a whole is the same one as the product or process covered by the patent, there is an infringement under the doctrine of equivalents, otherwise there is no infringement under the doctrine of equivalents. However, this is more close to the central claiming principle in interpretation of a patent claim, which is contrary to the peripheral claiming principle used by U. S. courts for a long period.

As a whole下適用均等論的話,較接近中心限定主義。然而這與美國法院長期使用之周邊限定主義衝突。


什麼叫「All element rule」?(三)以及「必要」是“非必要”(二)

以這一篇文章「One Plus One Can Equal One – In Patent Law」,作為這一整個主題的結束。

One major principle stressed by the Court is adherence to the “all-elements” rule, requiring just the determination of equivalency proceed on an element-by-element inquiry, rather than comparing the overall similarity of the accused device as a whole to the claims. This is to ensure that the application of the doctrine, even as to an individual element, is not allowed such broad play as to effectively eliminate that element in its entirety. When applying the test, the Court said, “[a] focus on individual elements and a special vigilance against allowing the concept of equivalence to eliminate completely any such elements should reduce considerably the imprecision of whatever language is used.”

“element-by-element inquiry”是為了防止專利權人擴大均等論的適用,有效地刪除一個元件主張均等論。

Does this mean that when an accused device entirely lacks an element, one gets away with it no matter how similar the device is to the claims in other respects?

接著看有名的Festo案子,這案子常聽到,第一次看到它還有這個爭點,先前還一直再找有關利用均等論,來有效刪去 claim中無效“非必要”元件的判例,原來“遠在天邊近在眼前”,從很多人口中聽到這個案子,卻沒有聽到這爭點。

Instead, the accused infringer argued that because its two-way sealing ring was only one element, it did not meet the doctrine of equivalents requirement of the “all-elements” rule, and so was summarily not equivalent to the pair of rings in the patent claim. The court decided against the infringer and held that the accused device was not required to have all the components of the claimed invention for the device to infringe. Did this violate the “all elements” rule? Not so, said the court, “this rule does not require a one-to-one correspondence of components.”

侵權人爭論他的元件只有一個,而請求項卻說有兩個,因此不符合“all-elements” rule,不適用均等論,必竟均等論要 element-by-element inquiry 對吧。法院卻認為「this rule does not require a one-to-one correspondence of components」。所以二個也可以等於一個。

After this, one is tempted to look at elements and limitations in three different ways. First, a limitation is an element, in which case, the doctrine collapses into nothing more than a literal infringement test. Second, a limitation is not essential to an element; therefore so long as the process recited a pH step, there would be infringement. Third, a limitation may be essential to defining the element, in which case evidence is required in order to determine whether a person skilled in the art would have known of the limitation’s functional interchangeability with the one in the claims.

Never one to make bold statements, the Federal Circuit opted for the third choice which, after all, was the proper choice. At least, it is preferable to sleightful wordplay.

看到這個字「sleightful wordplay」,讓我不覺莞爾。



Infringement analysis

In respect of the comparison of an alleged infringing product or process with the patent as claimed, a principle reminiscent of the all-element rule applies in which all the essential elements as recited in the claim need to be found therein. A principle similar to the doctrine of equivalents is also proposed whereby a claim that does not literally read on an alleged infringing product or process may still be found to be infringed if equivalent technical features are found therein upon analysis.

However there is also an important new concept in infringement analysis under the suggested principle of "unnecessary recitation" in which elements or limitations explicitly recited in an independent claim may be deleted by the court if they are viewed as obvious and redundant features that do not contribute to the essential function of the claimed product or processes. In evaluating whether a feature is "redundant", Part 50 of the guideline suggests the following consideration:

Is the feature under consideration one that distinguishes the claimed invention from prior art products as of the priority date, that is, whether the deletion of the feature under consideration would render the claim lacking in novelty or inventiveness as compared to the prior art;
whether the feature under consideration is essential for the functioning of the invention to achieve the solution of the technical problem to be solved; and
whether the technical feature under consideration falls under the principle of prosecution history estoppel.

The guideline further states that the court should not apply this principle of unnecessary recitation according to its own initiative, but rather apply it based on evidence produced by the plaintiff and by application thereof. Parts 50 and 53, however, caution that the application of this doctrine is more suitable for invention patent rights and should not be applied to the infringement analysis of utility models with relatively low inventiveness.


Although this guideline contains a suggestion that may render claim scope uncertain and ambiguous, such a detailed suggestion is a step in the right direction towards in-depth infringement analysis. Time will tell whether these proposed principles will be adopted on a broader basis and whether the uncertainties introduced will be reconsidered and removed as the judicial development progresses.

render claim scope uncertain and ambiguous」是非必要主張的缺點,不過把它捨棄的話似乎不合“公平”,我覺得如果給它比“均等論”更嚴格的適用條件,對“不懂專利”的個人發明人而言,應該是一個保障。

什麼叫「All element rule」?(三)



工業財產權論叢(專利侵害與迴避設計篇)-羅炳榮 著
一、全要件原則(All element rule)

ペ ンウォルト事件(1987年)では,均等論においてもオールエレメントルール(all element rule)が適用されることが確認された。すなわち,特許発明のクレームに記載された構成要件(element)と被疑侵害品の構成要件とが個々の構成要 件毎に比較されて(element by element),構成要件毎に均等の範囲も判断される。
 ワーナージェンキンソン事件(1997年) では,「均等論はクレームの個々の構成要件(individual elements)に適用すべきであって,クレーム発明に対して全体的に(as a whole)適用すべきではない」と判示され,クレーム全体に対する均等論の適用が否定された。

1987年:均等論下也應適用 all element rule,亦即 claim所記載的構成要件與被疑侵害物的構成要件間,進行 element by element 的均等比對。
1997年:均等論應對 individual elements 來適用,不應以 as a whole 來適用。

一、為什麼要 element by element 比對,不能整體觀之?
二、還是找不到 element 和 limitation 的差別在哪?最讓我在意的是要怎麼切 element ?連結關係或是功能屬於 element 嗎?還是屬於 limitation 呢?
三、原來還有人在討論均等論應該用「as a whole 來適用」的啊,想都沒想到,看來我被“教育”的太徹底了。有興趣的人可以參考「Hughes Aircradt case 、Corning case、TI case 」這些篇判例。

不 知怎地,對「All element rule」突然感到那麼多的興趣,一直有一種非要解開它迷底的感覺,所以……從原本準備好要睡覺的床上爬起,決定利用google搜尋其他人對「All element rule」的解譯。我也在問我自己這些是一定得現在做嗎?明天在做不能嗎?不知該怎麼說,就是有一種非做不可的感覺。


inducement infringement 要件

(CAFC 04-1396, August 22, 2005).

Under section 271(b), “[w]hoever actively induces infringement of a patent shall be liable as an infringer.” 35 U.S.C. §271(b). “In order to succeed on a claim of inducement, the patentee must show, first that there has been direct infringement,” and “second, that the alleged infringer knowingly induced infringement and possessed specific intent to encourage another’s infringement.” Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co. v. Chemque, Inc., 303 F.3d 1294, 1304-05 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (citations omitted).4 “While proof of intent is necessary, direct evidence is not required; rather, circumstantial evidence may suffice.” Water Techs. Corp v. Calco, Ltd., 850 F.2d 660, 668 (Fed. Cir. 1988).

要證明別人 intent 真的滿難的。

什麼叫「All element rule」?(二)

先參見之前的文章什麼叫「All element rule」,整理這一篇是希望能夠了解,什麼叫“element”?什麼叫“limitation”?看完之後,我還不是很了解這兩個字的意思。

In Aquatex v Techniche Solutions (CAFC 05-1088)

However, “[t]he doctrine of equivalents allows the patentee to claim those insubstantial alterations that were not captured in drafting the original patent claim but which could be created through trivial changes.” Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., 535 U.S. 722, 733 (2002) (“Festo II”). Infringement under the doctrine of equivalents requires that the accused product contain each limitation of the claim or its equivalent. Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chem. Co., 520 U.S. 17, 40 (1997). An element in the accused product is equivalent to a claim limitation if the differences between the two are insubstantial. The analysis focuses on whether the element in the accused device “performs substantially the same function in substantially the same way to obtain the same result” as the claim limitation. Graver Tank & Mfg. Co. v. Linde Air Prods. Co., 339 U.S. 605, 608 (1950) (internal quotation omitted).

Infringement under the doctrine of equivalents requires that the accused product contain each limitation of the claim or its equivalent.
均等論下的侵權,需要被控物含有claim的每個limitation或它的均等物。(這是「All element rule」嗎?我覺得應該不是,應稱為「All limitation rule」。)

另外特別留意英文用字:「An element in the accused product」、「a claim limitation」。因此 element 指的是被控物;而 limitation 指的是 claim,這兩個字應先稿清楚。(PS:這樣的解譯是對的嗎?)

我的心得:見山是山,見山不是山。搞清楚一個“字”的意思,才是一切的「 根蒂」。繼續研究什麼叫「All element rule」。


In Aquatex v Techniche Solutions (CAFC 05-1088)

Prosecution history estoppel can prevent a patentee from relying on the doctrine of equivalents when the patentee relinquishes subject matter during the prosecution of the patent, either by amendment or argument. Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. v. Mylan Pharm., Inc., 170 F.3d 1373, 1376-77 (Fed. Cir. 1999). “The doctrine of prosecution history estoppel limits the doctrine of equivalents when an applicant makes a narrowing amendment for purposes of patentability, or clearly and unmistakably surrenders subject matter by arguments made to an examiner.” Salazar, 2005 U.S. App. LEXIS 13517, at *6; see Festo II, 535 U.S. at 736 (narrowing amendment for purposes of patentability); Eagle Comtronics, Inc. v. Arrow Communication Labs., Inc., 305 F.3d 1303, 1316 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (argument-based estoppel).

曾經見過“argument-based estoppel”?我好像看過又好像沒有看過,就算是看過也不知道它是什麼意思,現在終於知道了。

不 僅 amendment 會適用禁反言,連 argument 也會而以 argument 適用禁反言的就叫做“argument-based estoppel”。但是要適用“argument-based estoppel”,檔案歷史就必須“ evince(顯示出) a clear and unmistakable surrender of subject matter.”,因此模擬兩可的話就不能適用。

To invoke argument-based estoppel, the prosecution history “must evince a clear and unmistakable surrender of subject matter.” Pharmacia, 170 F.3d at 1377 (internal quotation omitted). To determine if subject matter has been relinquished, an objective test is applied, inquiring “whether a competitor would reasonably believe that the applicant had surrendered the relevant subject matter.” Cybor Corp., 138 F.3d at 1457.


The construction of a claim's term

Network Commerce v. Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2005).

來看看法官們在 claim construction 時是怎麼解譯一個 term ,也順便看看一個 term,它在訴訟中,會出現多少的解譯方式(參照上判決連結,僅貼出部分段落):

The claims also assume that the “download component” is a component of a larger software system, that is, the download component does not alone direct the computer hardware to perform the designated tasks. The difficulty is that the claim language is not clear as to what other programs are to be used with the “download component.”

找出解譯 term 的困難處,預先為解譯找個方向。

We construe a claim term as having its “ordinary and customary meaning,” that is, “the meaning that the term would have to a person of ordinary skill in the art in question at the time of the invention.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1313. In some cases, it is possible to construe a claim term by applying “the widely accepted meaning of commonly understood words.” Id. at 1314. “Download component” is not a claim term amenable to construction in this manner because it has no commonly understood meaning reflected in general dictionaries or similar sources. We may also rely on a term’s “particular meaning in a field of art” when construing claims. Id. As the parties seem to agree, the term “download component” does not have a specialized meaning in the relevant art. Microsoft urges that “download component” does not have a particular meaning in the computer art; and that the term does not appear in computer dictionaries and treatises.

當沒有commonly understood meaning 時才用term’s “particular meaning in a field of art”。

Network Commerce also agrees that a definition of the term “download component” as a whole does not exist, but invites the court to combine individual dictionary definitions of “download” and “component.” Under that construction, any part of a system involved in the transfer of data from one computer to another would be a download component. This is not a tenable theory in light of the specification.

那用字典來組合這樣的解譯方式可以嗎?(也算是一個用來解譯 term 的方法。)不過最後還是得回到說明書中如何使用這個字,來進行解譯才是。

整 理這一篇是因為判例中解譯一個term的方式提出了好幾種,其中用combine individual dictionary definitions of “download” and “component”,是我潛意識下所使用的方式。就當作用來提醒自己隨時注意說明書對一個 term 的使用方式。

Coombs’ declaration provides scant support for Network Commerce’s position. As we recently reaffirmed in Phillips, “conclusory, unsupported assertions by experts as to the definition of a claim term are not useful to a court.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1318. Here Coombs does not support his conclusion with any references to industry publications or other independent sources. Moreover, expert testimony at odds with the intrinsic evidence must be disregarded. Id. (“[A] court should discount any expert testimony that is clearly at odds with the claim construction mandated by . . . the written record of the patent.”). That is the case here.

at odds:不一致。

“conclusory, unsupported assertions by experts as to the definition of a claim term are not useful to a court.”


什麼叫「All element rule」?

什麼叫「All element rule」?這裡的 element 是指 limitation 的意思嗎?例如:

申請專利範圍:A(function a1)+B+C
被控侵權物:A(function a2)+B+C

如 果 element 是指 element 則:侵權,因為都是A+B+C。但似乎不合理,因為 function a1 不等於 function a2 ,因此應不侵權才對,所以這裡的 element 該解譯成 limitation 對吧?如果是對的話,那再看看下面的判決看會有什麼不一樣的感覺!

Patently-O: Patent Law Blog
Rather, the appellate panel found that even the basic requirements of element-by-element equivalents had not been sufficiently shown by the plaintiff because the expert declaration did not provide sufficiently specific testimony to prove a limitation-by-limitation analysis.

Network Commerce v. Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2005).
We have previously held that a patentee must . . . provide particularized testimony and linking argument as to the “insubstantiality of the differences” between the claimed invention and the accused device or process, or with respect to the function, way, result test when such evidence is presented to support a finding of infringement under the doctrine of equivalents. Such evidence must be presented on a limitation-by-limitation basis. Generalized testimony as to the overall similarity between the claims and the accused infringer’s product or process will not suffice.Tex. Instruments Inc. v. Cypress Semiconductor Corp., 90 F.3d 1558, 1567 (Fed. Cir. 1996).

因此在討論均等論時,要看這個 element 整體是否等於另一個 element 整體,但是在分析的時候卻要 limitation-by-limitation 進行分析。

所以 element 就是 element,不是 limitation。自己以前的觀念都“對一半”,當然“對一半”的意思是“錯誤”的較含蓄說法。



Freedman Seating Company v. American Seating Company and Hi-Tech Seating Products, Inc., (No. 04-1216, -1248; August 11, 2005)

Specifically, the patent claims that the movable end of the seatbase support member is “slidably mounted” to the seatbase. In contrast, the support member of the accused product is “rotatably mounted” to the seatbase.

“slidably mounted”“rotatably mounted”是否均等?

地院認為: perform substantially the same function in substantially the same manner to achieve substantially the same result.

CAFC continues: “Freedman's argument would mean that any support member capable of allowing translational and rotational motion would be equivalent to a support member “slidably mounted to said seatbase,” which reads “slidably mounted” completely out of the claims. This is precisely the type of DOE overextension that the claim vitiation doctrine is intended to prevent.”

關鍵字:completely out of the claims、the type of DOE overextension、the claim vitiation doctrine

我想這就是這篇均等論的適用文章所說的「“The doctrine of equivalents cannot be used to erase ‘meaningful structural and functional limitations of the claim on which the public is entitled to rely in avoiding infringement.’”」吧。





The doctrine of equivalents cannot be used to erase ‘meaningful structural and functional limitations of the claim on which the public is entitled to rely in avoiding infringement.’” Sage Prods., Inc. v. Devon Indus., Inc., 126 F.3d 1420, 1424 (Fed. Cir. 1997) (quoting Conopco, Inc. v. May Dep’t Stores Co., 46 F.3d 1556, 1562 (Fed. Cir. 1994)).

解譯申請專利範圍時,可否將其解譯成A+B+C’,其中C’= C+e。接著以均等論解譯成「C實質上等於C’」?

如果這個小e被解譯成「meaningful structural and functional limitations of the claim」,我想應該就沒有機會了吧!但不禁想問什麼是「meaningful」?

因為「The doctrine of equivalents cannot be used to erase ‘meaningful structural」,所以當 structural non-meaningful 的時候,「The doctrine of equivalents can be used to erase ‘non-meaningful structural」對嗎?不對,這不是『若且唯若』。

majority ,而這個字的意思是大部分,也就是超過 50%。


【美專】暫緩審查程序 Suspension of Action

【美專】暫緩審查程序 Suspension of Action
在取得專利的過程中,有時候會有其他任何的理由,希望“暫時地”停止審查以爭取時間,例如要追加實驗,取得証明本發明的優越性的資料。當有像這種正當的理由時,可以向uspto申請 「Suspension of Action」。 請“注意”這是與申請答辯期間延長(37 CFR1.136)是不相同的程序,所以符合規定要件也不同,更詳細的資訊,請參考聯邦法規37 CFR 1.103 MPEP 709 的相關規定。
37 CFR 1.103 Suspension of action.
(a) Suspension of action by the Office will be granted for good and sufficient cause and for a reasonable time specified upon petition by the applicant and, if such cause is not the fault of the Office, the payment of the fee set forth in § 1.17(i). Action will not be suspended when a reply by applicant to an Office action is required.
(b) If action by the Office on an application is suspended when not requested by the applicant, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons thereof.
(c) Action by the examiner may be suspended by order of the Commissioner in the case of applications owned by the United States whenever publication of the invention by the granting of a patent thereon might be detrimental to the public safety or defense, at the request of the appropriate department or agency.
(d) Action on applications in which the Office has accepted a request to publish a defensive publication will be suspended for the entire pendency of these applications except for purposes relating to patent interference proceedings under Subpart E.


3.Supplemental Amendment (37CFR§1.111) (施行日:2004年10月21日)
実務に関係の深い他の改定事項として、Supplemental Amendmentに係るものがあります。
従前は、Office Actionに応答した後であって、審査官が本件を再考する前であれば、Supplemental Amendmentの提出が認められていました。
これに対して、2004年10月21日以降は、一旦応答してしまうと、自由にSupplemental Amendmentを提出することは認められなくなりました。Supplemental Amendmentをファイルするには、事前に、”Request for Suspension of Action”(37CFR§1.103(a)/(c))をファイルし、許可を求めることが必要です。

非自明性に係る拒絶理由を受け、これに対して実験を行って追試データを追完したい場合、OAに対して応答書を一旦ファイルした後、37CFR§1.103(a)に基づいて、その理由と共に”Request for Suspension of Action”をファイルし、許可を得る必要があります。ただし、許可された審査中断の期間内に上記追完を行わなければならない。

Final OA を受領し、これに対して応答書とRCEをファイルする場合であって、応答書の内容を充実させるためにSupplemental Amendmentをファイルしたい場合、応答書とRCEのファイルに加えて37CFR§1.103(a) に基づいて、その理由と共に”Request for Suspension of Action”をファイルし、許可を得る必要があります。ただし、許可された審査中断の期間内に上記追完を行わなければなりません。

なお、Supplemental Amendmentが次①~⑥に該当する場合、USPTOは裁量により受理します。


【辭典】sua sponte 自發性的、依職權的

【辭典】sua sponte 自發性的、依職權的

:主動行爲(act sua sponte

sua sponte=(法院)自發性的、依職權的「(裁判所が)自発的に、職権で」

:「sua sponte(of their own accord」的意思)



Infringement, whether literal or under the doctrine of equivalents, is a question of fact. See Bai v. L & L Wings, Inc., 160 F.3d 1350, 1353 (Fed. Cir. 1998).



【辭典】Without prejudice to 不損害

「(權利關係)不給與不利益的情況」、「對~不具實體的效果」、「不損害~」的意思。英國法中,由於要解除契約的話,會回復到原始的狀態,不得請求損害賠 償,為了回避這樣的主張,了使用“Without prejudice to”。又,為不涉及影響其他的權利義務,規定義務的免除或是權利行使的緩期時,亦使用“Without prejudice to”。


EUROPEAN PATENT CONVENTION: IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS: Chapter II - Provisions governing the application , Rule 29 - Form and content of claims: "

(2)47 Without prejudice to Article 82, a European patent application may contain more than one independent claim in the same category (product, process, apparatus or use) only if the subject-matter of the application involves one of the following:

without prejudice:內容不具約束力
without prejudice to:在不損害... 的情況下
with prejudice :n. 権利を損ない  (訴訟法)
without prejudice :n. 権利を損なうことなく(申請などを棄却する) (訴訟法)

"dismissal without prejudice"「再訴可能な訴え却下」


法律翻译典型句型 Without prejudice to

without prejudice to这个短语的功能相当于without affecting., 通常在后面跟一个直待某项法律条款的名词.但是对有关事物或者条款的规限程度,与 “subject to…”的句法结构相同,跟在“without prejudice to”这个短语之后的通常是一个指代某项法律条款的名词。但对有关事物或条款的规限程度,没有前者那么强硬。前者规限的程度是必须“符合”或“依照”有关条款或规定,后者指不要影响或损害其规限的事物
在汉语中,其意思相当于“在不损害……的原则下”、“在不影响……的情况下”、“…… 不受影响”、“ 不妨碍……”、以及“不规限……”等等。例:
  • Without prejudice to section 24, the following shall be treated as properly executed
  • Without prejudice to your powers and discretions, we hereby authorize you or your agents to take any actions including but not limited to the following:
  • Without prejudice to the rights of the Attorney General every complainant or informant shall be at liberty to conduct the complaint or information respectively and to have the witnesses examined and cross-examined by him or by counsel on his behalf.