The CAFC (04-1616) in this case further clarified the ground rules for obviousness rejection.
Bord 認為發明之使用目的不足以支持可專利性,其指出「所請求裝置其被意圖之使用的方式,不足以區別出“所請求裝置”與”滿足所請求裝置之限制條件的先前技術”間的差異」
First, the Board rejected the argument that the invention’s intended use supports patentability, noting that “the manner in which a claimed apparatus is intended to be employed does not differentiate the claimed apparatus [from] a prior art apparatus satisfying the claimed structural limitations.” Id. at 5-6. Second, the Board rejected the argument that because “the purposes of the [prior art] references . . . are different from the [invention’s] purpose,” the invention is non-obvious, explaining that “[t]he law . . . does not require that references be combined for reasons contemplated by an inventor” and that “prior art need not suggest the same problem set forth by appellant.”
In considering motivation in the obviousness analysis, the problem examined is not the specific problem solved by the invention but the general problem that confronted the inventor before the invention was made. See, e.g., Cross Med. Prods., Inc. v. Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Inc., 424 F.3d 1293, 1323 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (“One of ordinary skill in the art need not see the identical problem addressed in a prior art reference to be motivated to apply its teachings.”); Ecolochem, Inc. v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 227 F.3d 1361, 1372 (Fed. Cir. 2000) (“Although the suggestion to combine references may flow from the nature of the problem, ‘[d]efining the problem in terms of its solution reveals improper hindsight in the selection of the prior art relevant to obviousness.’” (internal citation omitted) (quoting Monarch Knitting Mach. Corp. v. Sulzer Morat GmbH, 139 F.3d 877, 881 (Fed. Cir. 1998))); In re Beattie, 974 F.2d 1309, 1312 (Fed. Cir. 1992) (“[T]he law does not require that the references be combined for the reasons contemplated by the inventor.”); Princeton Biochemicals, Inc. v. Beckman Coulter, Inc., 411 F.3d 1332, 1337 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (characterizing the relevant inquiry as “[would] an artisan of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention, confronted by the same problems as the inventor and with no knowledge of the claimed invention,[] have selected the various elements from the prior art and combined them in the manner claimed”); see also Graham, 383 U.S. at 35 (characterizing the problem as involving mechanical closures rather than in terms more specific to the patent in the context of determining the pertinent prior art). Therefore, the “motivation-suggestion-teaching” test asks not merely what the references disclose, but whether a person of ordinary skill in the art, possessed with the understandings and knowledge reflected in the prior art, and motivated by the general problem facing the inventor, would have been led to make the combination recited in the claims. See Cross Med. Prods., 424 F.3d at 1321-24. From this it may be determined whether the overall disclosures, teachings, and suggestions of the prior art, and the level of skill in the art—i.e., the understandings and knowledge of persons having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention—support the legal conclusion of obviousness. See Princeton Biochemicals, 411 F.3d at 1338 (pointing to evidence supplying detailed analysis of the prior art and the reasons one of ordinary skill would have possessed the knowledge and motivation to combine).
intended use, is intended to be employed 使用目的
Mitchell had pointed to a reference from the specification for supporting documentation, but both courts found the prior art reference "both too broad and not linked to the "means for causing" limitation."
- The mere mention of a complicated integrated circuit, comprised of hundreds if not thousands of circuits, is much too broad to sufficiently indicate the precise "means for causing" structure to a person of ordinary skill in the art. See Med. Instrumentation & Diagnostic Corp. v. Elekta AB, 344 F.3d 1205, 1212 (Fed. Cir. 2003) ("It is important to determine whether one of skill in the art would understand the specification itself to disclose the structure, not simply whether that person would be capable of implementing that structure.").
Mitchell attempted to "to identify structure in a variety of generalized passages in the specification," but nothing specific to hang the means hat on.
- "[I]n order for a claim to meet the particularity requirement of ¶ 2, the corresponding structure(s) of a means-plus-function limitation must be disclosed in the written description in such a manner that one skilled in the art will know and understand what structure corresponds to the means limitation." Thus, the statute requires more than just the possibility that an artisan of ordinary skill may be able to figure out the corresponding structure. The quid pro quo for using a means-plus-function limitation requires specificity in reciting structure and linking that structure to the limitation. Id. Mitchell does not carry out its part of the quid pro quo bargain.
Mitchell 從說明書中指出一參考文獻用以作為支持文件,但兩法庭發覺習知前案皆太廣且沒有連結該“導致手段”的限制條件。
- 僅提及一複雜的積體電路,其沒有包含數千也包含數百種電路,則範圍為太廣,不足以向該行業者精確地指出“導致手段”的結構。. 見 Med. Instrumentation & Diagnostic Corp. v. Elekta AB, 344 F.3d 1205, 1212 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (判斷該行業者是否能了解說明書本身所揭露的結構;而非單僅是判斷該行業者是否能夠實施該結構,這是非常重要的。)
Mitchell 亦試圖“指出說明書中多種的一般化通道的結構”,但卻不能明確地為該些結構扣上“手段”的帽子。
- 為使請求項符合第2段的特別要件,功能手段用語之限制條件的對應結構,必須以該行業者能夠知道並了解什麼結構對應該手段限制條件的方式,揭露於書面的說明中。Atmel Corp. v. Info. Storage Devices, Inc., 198 F.3d 1374, 1382 (Fed. Cir. 1999)。因此,法定要件,要求不單僅是該行業者能夠找出對應結構。使用功能手段用語的對價係要求:指出結構的明確性;以及將該結構連結至限制條件的明確性。Mitchell 沒有完成他那部分所應付出之對價的交換條件。
法律用語的 find 意思為根據事實的認為,實在不知道如何翻譯正確,暫定“發覺”。
means plus function:單純的揭露結構是不夠的,要“Link”。
第32号 2007年10月29日発行
1. 請求項が未定義の用語を含んでいる。
2. 請求項が、あいまいな概念の用語を含んでいる。
3. 請求項が、実施の態様と対応付けにくい用語を含んでいる。
4. 請求項が、複数の意味に解釈できる構成要件を含んでいる。
5. 請求項を構成する構成要件の間の関係が明確には表現されていない。
6. 請求項に、他の構成要件と関係を有しない「浮いた構成要件」が存在する。
Thinning the Patent Thicket 砍薄專利之林
■■October 20, 2007
■Thinning the Patent Thicket 砍薄專利之林
Thanks to KSR, the bar of §103(a) is set obscenely high for patent prosecution. Examiner rejections on obviousness, regularly combining three and four references to cover all the claim limitations, reek of hindsight, and are pasted with the thinnest of glue: e.g. "it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of invention to combine four patentably distinct references of unrelated subject matter because it would have been advantageous, as the applicant claimed."
跟著「英語で読もう!~米国特許ブログ」和「Patent Hawk」一起學習英語、日語及美國專利。
obscenely 這個字,如果你查dr. eye的話會查到「淫穢地,下流地」,直翻的話,就會變得很生硬。請見 webster 的解釋「so excessive as to be offensive」,此處採用 longman 的解釋「extremely unfair, immoral, or unpleasant, especially in a way that makes you angry」。
Domino 骨牌
■■October 21, 2007
■Domino 骨牌
A flaw of temporal displacement, but very human: in hindsight, most everything appears obvious. Prior to the Supreme Court KSR ruling, patentable inventions correlated to real-world invention:
incremental, and combinatorial. As Thomas Jefferson, the first patent board director, observed, new inventions spring from previously unthought combinations. Until KSR, concern about hindsight reasoning rendered courts circumspect for a metric that grappled with this subtle and pernicious tendency. No more.
實際置換之判斷的缺點,但卻非常具人性,為依據後見之明每件事皆呈顯而易知。在最高法院的KSR規則之前,關連於真實世界之具可專利性的發明,皆為逐漸追加的且為組合的。如第一位專利局長Thomas Jefferson所述,新的發明皆源自先前未被想到的組合。直到KSR前,一直與這微妙且有害之傾向奮鬥的法院,因顧忌到存在後見之明之論證的疑慮,才使它為求公正而小心僅慎。現已盪然無存。
跟著「英語で読もう!~米国特許ブログ」和「Patent Hawk」一起學習英語、日語及美國專利。
temporal ,為了這個字查了好多的詞典,webster、encarta,決定依longman的解譯「related to practical instead of religious affairs 」翻譯。
「A flaw of temporal displacement, but very human」:「置換可能かどうかは、非常に人間的な判断(是否置換可能,是非常人性的判斷)」。翻譯,有時照著原文硬著頭皮翻,就會翻的怪怪的,閱讀不易,我覺得她翻的很好,但我卻想從別的方式翻譯,雖然沒有她翻的好(^_^)。
「Until KSR, concern about hindsight reasoning rendered courts circumspect for a metric that grappled with this subtle and pernicious tendency」 :「…巧妙かつ悪質な裁判所(巧妙且惡質的法院)」。此句小山先生應該是譯錯了。此句真不好讀,一開始that我以為修飾hindsight reasoning後來看到動詞grapple with才知,原來是修飾法院。
Invention Undermined 逐漸損壞的發明
■■October 23, 2007
■Invention Undermined 逐漸損壞的發明
Bryan Zerhusen of McCarter & English opines that KSR & the new USPTO obviousness examination Guidelines ring a death knell for many constitutionally patentable inventions: It is now apparent that in the view of the USPTO, KSR went much further than previously thought in eroding the certainty established by decades of Federal Circuit precedent. Taken together, KSR and the Guidelines result in an unfair system where the spirit of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution has been undermined. Furthermore, in some fields of art it seems as though only pioneering inventions are likely to be patentable.
Bryan Zerhusen of McCarter & English 對KSR判決及USPTO新的非顯而易知性的審查基準發表意見,認為它們為許多本質上具可專利性的發明敲起喪鐘。非常明顯地,觀察USPTO可知,KSR嚴重脫離習知見解,CAFC數十年所建立之判例的確定性,正被侵蝕中。KSR和此基準一起造成不公正的、且憲法第一條第八段第八節之精神已被逐漸損壞的系統。甚者,在一些技術領域中,似乎僅有先驅型發明才能取得專利。
跟著「英語で読もう!~米国特許ブログ」和「Patent Hawk」一起學習英語、日語及美國專利。
battle stations 戰鬥狀態
Battle Stations
Reports flow in of siege at the USPTO fortress over examination limits. Casualties have already occurred: the twin angels of human relationships, Equity & Comity, appear seriously wounded. The large caliber catapult known as IBM has rolled into position, lobbing projectiles at the fortress. Now we hear that a defector is whispering dissent, that the cause may not be just, aghast at the thought of innocent lives, infant inventions strangled as they lie in their cradles.
針對審查限制,有關包圍攻擊USPTO要塞的報告已湧出。傷亡已經造成:具人類血緣關係的雙子天使,Equity & Comity,嚴重受傷。IBM,人稱大口徑石弩,已被滾動到要塞前預備發射炮彈的位置。現在,我們可以聽到叛離者在背後發出異議的私語,「理由不正當!想到無辜的、嬰兒期般的發明,躺在搖籃裡窒息而死,就十分驚訝」。
最近上網,看到了一個很好的日語學書英語及美國專利的網站,「英語で読もう!~米国特許ブログ」,決定跟著它,以每天翻譯一段Patent Hawk部落格中專利英文的方式,一起學習英語及美國專利,希望能每天持續。
CRF 1.78f1 相關案件提報的小程式
CRF 1.78f1.v1
第一個巨集,在每一段落前,新增希望標記段落的「預設標記【0000】」。 代碼:
Sub P_ini()第二個巨集,對每個「預設標記【0000】」,依順進行修改成正確的段落標記。 代碼:
' 巨集錄製於 2006/1/4,錄製者 Friz.zzz
Selection.TypeText Text:="【0000】"
End Sub
Sub P_number()
'岡田 稔 /E-mail: okada@office.email.ne.jp
'keeping a diary patently/E-mail: Friz.zzz@gmail.com
Dim AddStr
Dim Num
Dim Flg_Conv
Dim Msg_Title
Msg_Title = "通知"
Num = 1
Flg_Conv = 0
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range()
With myRange.Find
.Text = "【^#^#^#^#】"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchByte = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchFuzzy = False
Do While .Execute = True
With .Parent
Flg_Conv = 1
'日文說明書使用全形的「 vbWide 」;英說使用半形的「 vbWide 」
' AddStr = "【" + StrConv(Format(Num, "0000"), vbWide) + "】"
AddStr = "【" + StrConv(Format(Num, "0000"), vbNarrow) + "】"
.InsertAfter (AddStr)
End With
Num = Num + 1
End With
If Flg_Conv = 1 Then
MsgBox StrConv(Num - 1, vbNarrow) + " 個段落被置換", , Msg_Title
MsgBox "沒有發現預設段落標記", , Msg_Title
End If
End Sub
4、儲存後,按alt+F8,之後選「 P_ini」巨集或「 P_number」巨集。
軟體發明的“structure ”
軟體發明常使用means plus function來撰寫每個step,可是功能手段用語需於說明書中揭露對應的結構,只是軟體發明的結構是什麼?滿有趣的,不是電腦,處理器等,而是流程圖。
Allvoice appealed after the Texas court found its means-plus-function claim elements indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112.
PHOSITA Creativity: A means plus function element is considered indefinite if a PHOSITA “would be unable to recognize the structure in the specification and associate it with the corresponding function in the claim.”
On appeal, the CAFC took a cue from KSR v. Teleflex — finding that a PHOSITA is creative and “not an automation.” For software cases, this means that the specification “need only disclose adequate defining structure to render the bounds of the claim understandable to one of ordinary skill in the art. Here, the CAFC found that the algorithm flowchart (see figure) was sufficient structure.
【更新】 【2016/09/21】
連接詞"comprised of"
CIAS v. Alliance Gaming and Bally Gaming (CAFC 2006-1342)
These cases reflect the general understanding and usage of "comprised of" in patent convention as having the same meaning as "comprising." For patent claims the distinction between "comprising" and "consisting" is established, along with the meaning of "comprised of" as related to "comprising," not "consisting of." Correctly construed, "comprised of" does not of itself exclude the possible presence of additional elements or steps.
“comprised of ”為開放式的用語,不過,不太明白為什麼還是會有人使用這樣的字眼。會引起爭議的話,不用就好了不是嗎?
Superior’s patent claimed a safer, more efficient in-wall fireplace unit. Unfortunately for Superior, the patent issued with a mistake in its one independent claim, which referred to both "rear walls" (plural) and "the rear wall" (singular). According to Superior, it was unaware of this inconsistency in its patent until after it sued Majestic. When it learned of the mistake, Superior sought and received a certificate of correction from the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), correcting "rear walls" to "rear wall."
Upon Majestic’s motion for summary judgment, the district court declared the certificate invalid. Affirming, the Federal Circuit held that a mistake in a claim, the correction of which broadens the scope of coverage of that claim and is not clearly evident from the specification, drawings and prosecution history, is not a "mistake of a clerical or typographical nature" subject to correction under § 255. The court also held that a mistake, the correction of which broadens a claim, is not a "mistake of . . . minor character" subject to correction under § 255. While the two claim limitations at issue were mutually inconsistent, it was not clear from the prosecution history which of the two variants was correct. Accordingly, a broadening certificate of correction should not have issued.
claim interpretation
逆均等論(The Reverse Doctrine of Equivalents)
逆均等論,一般說法源起於U.S. Supreme Court於1950年Graver Tank v. Linde對均等論的判決,其指出均等論也可用於對抗專利權人,
In its 1950 decision of Graver Tank v. Linde, the U.S. Supreme Court explained that the doctrine of equivalents may also act against the interest of the patentee.8 When an accused product or proce ss is literally covered by the words of a patent claim, but is “so far changed in principle” that it performs in a “substantially different way,” the court may reach a finding of noninfringement.
但事實上,其起源應該可以推至1898年之更早的Boyden Power Brake Co. v. Westinghouse判決。
The doctrine received its genesis in Boyden Power Brake Co. v. Westinghouse, 170 U.S. 537 (1898), where the Court stated:
The patentee may bring the defendant within the letter of his claims, but if the latter has so far changed the principle of the device that the claims of the patent, literally construed, have ceased to represent his actual invention, he is as little subject to be adjudged an infringer as one who has violated the letter of a statute has to be convicted, when he has done nothing in conflict with its spirit and intent.
2、待鑑定對象己符合「文義讀取」,但實質上未利用發明(或新型)說明所揭示之技術手段時,適用「逆均等論」。但是,當專利的權利範圍,包含“實質上未利用發明(或新型)說明所揭示之技術手段”時,是否亦代表該權利範圍應為無效,因為其已“locking enablement”及“ writtten description”。
Even with this explanation, the reverse doctrine may seem anamolous, for if the claims measure
the invention, how can the claims cease to represent the actual invention? It seems that the proper resolution of a case in which the claims exceed the scope of the disclosed invention is to
hold the claims invalid as lacking enablement or a written description.
The Federal Circuit discussed the rationale for the reverse doctrine as follows:
The reverse doctrine of equivalents is invoked when claims are written more broadly than the
disclosure warrants. The purpose of restricting the scope of such claims is not only to avoid a holding of infringement when a court deems it appropriate, but often is to preserve the validity of claims with respect to their original intended scope.
Texas Instruments Inc. v. United States Int’l Trade Comm’n, 846 F.2d 1369, 1372, 6 USPQ2d
1886 (Fed. Cir. 1988) (denial of rehearing). Thus, perhaps the reverse doctrine actually helps the patentee, in that it gives the patentee half-a-loaf rather than no loaf at all.
當然,它的存在也不是完全沒有道理的,它可以適用在極為不平常的案例,在迅速發展的高科技領域,產生具大的進步時,是可以給領先者超過他們貢獻的權利範圍(?應該給予超過的範圍嗎?)。只是,到目前為止,Federal Circuit還沒有遇到這樣的領域。
The reverse doctrine of equivalents was instead intended to apply to extraordinary cases. It provides courts with something of an escape hatch, useful when a finding of literal infringement would work an unwarranted extension of the claims. The reverse doctrine might pertain to rapidly progressing fields of high technology, where radical subsequent advances allow predecessor patents to appropriate subject matter entirely beyond the scope of their technical contribution. Such circumstances appear so uncommon that, in its two decades of existence, the Federal Circuit has yet to encounter them.
2002年於“ Tate Access Floors, Inc. v. Interface Architectural Resources, Inc.”說的更清楚明白,「於CAFC判例,適合逆均等論判決不侵權的判決個數為零」。逆均等論僅不過是“過時的例外”。
In Tate Access Floors, Inc. v. Interface Architectural Resources, Inc., the Federal Circuit made abundantly clear that the reverse doctrine of equivalents was of extremely limited applicability. Judge Gajarsa observed that: “Not once has this court affirmed a decision finding noninfringement based on the reverse doctrine of equivalents.” Describing the doctrine an “an
anachronistic exception,” the court refused to apply or extend the reverse doctrine of equivalents.
小弟曾於某篇文章中看到地院依逆均等論判決不侵權,但卻被CAFC法官reverse,其認為地院的權利範圍解釋錯誤,應加入“其他限制條件”,只是忘了該文章出處,也忘了該判例名稱,有點可惜,目前正在尋找當中。不過,在此介紹一個“判例”,Multiform v. Medzam (Fed. Cir 1998),有一點點相關:
Claim 1: A packet for absorbing and immobilizing a liquid comprising an envelope which is degradable in said liquid...
Specification:"...starch paper which is degradable in water and other liquids...dissolve..."
In other words, properly construed claims of a traditional product should be specific enough that it should not read on the nanoproduct in the first instance.
1、於”summary judgment”,是不可適用逆均等論,因為其為“事實問題”而非“法律問題”。
The closest the court came was the in banc decision in SRI International v. Matsushita Electric Corp. of America, 775 F.2d 1107, 227 USPQ 577 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (in banc), which, in a 6-5 vote, reversed a summary judgment of noninfringement based on the reverse doctrine of equivalents, finding issues of fact and remanding for trial on the issue.
How Does the Reverse Doctrine of Equivalents Work?
In determining whether or not to use the reverse doctrine of equivalents, a court will consider several factors:
What is the actual scope of the patent? Does it cover the new invention?
If so, should that patent extend to the new invention? This is the major issue that the reverse doctrine of equivalents must address. What is the fair scope of the patent?
Has the new invention sufficiently transformed the original invention such that it should fall outside the scope of the patent of the original invention?
一、 日本網站找到的文章:「An Analysis of Trends in the Construction of U.S. Patent Claims: 1997-2002」第24頁
三、Intellectual propert_Patent Law Course Materials.pdf
Professor Wagner
Article 11(a)
(1) The countries of the Union shall, in conformity with their domestic legislation(b), grant temporary protection(c) to patentable inventions, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks(d), in respect of goods exhibited at official or officially recognized international exhibitions(e) held in the territory of any of them(f).
(2) Such temporary protection shall not extend the periods provided by Article 4. If, later, the right of priority is invoked, the authorities of any country may provide that the period shall start from the date of introduction of the goods into the exhibition(g).
(3) Each country may require, as proof of the identity of the article exhibited and of the date of its introduction, such documentary evidence as it considers necessary(h).
That Which Infringes if Later, Anticipates if Earlier: A rule stating the equivalence between two tests under patent law (i.e., the test of infringement of a patent and the test of anticipation in the prior art to invalidate a patent). If the claim of a patent is literally infringed by a prior art reference, then the claim is anticipated by that prior art reference and, therefore, is unpatentable. Note that there cannot be anticipation of a claim by equivalents.
Lindemann Maschinenfabrik GMBH v. American Hoist & Derrick Co. (Fed. Cir. 1984)
SSIH Equip. S.A. v. United States Int'l Trade Comm'n (Fed. Cir. 1983)
Lewmar Marine, Inc. v. Barient, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 1987)
以上連結是我於2005年6月13日所做的blog,請您們參考,其中請特別注意下面幾段文字:A century-old axiom of patent law holds that a product "which would literally infringe if later in time anticipates if earlier."
最早出現以侵權角度來判斷是否具新穎性的判例,應該是這一個:accord Peters v. Active Mfg. Co., 129 U.S. 530, 537 (1889) ("That which infringes, if later, would anticipate, if earlier.").
The test currently used for same invention-type double patenting is "whether one of the claims being compared could be literally infringed without literally infringing the other. If it could be, the claims do not define identically the same invention." In re Vogel, 422 F.2d 438, 441 (C.C.P.A. 1970).
原因在於,具進步性一定要是非“insubstantial differences(or insubstantial change)”,而均等範圍具一定要是“insubstantial differences”。
請參考附件(Intellectual propert_Patent Law Course Materials.pdf),第420頁。
If the accused infringer has received a patent on the product or process accused of infringing, should that affect the doctrine of equivalents analysis?
Evidence of a patent covering the change, in my view, is clearly relevant unless the patent is invalid. A substitution in a patented invention cannot be both nonobvious and insubstantial. I would apply nonobviousness as the test for the "insubstantial change" requirement of Hilton Davis.
U.S. Supreme Court
KNAPP v. MORSS, 150 U.S. 221 (1893)
they would constitute an infringement thereof, for the rule is well established 'that which infringes, if later, would anticipate, if earlier.'